
Book chapters


[1] W. H. Reeves, D. V. Skryabin, F. Biancalana, J. C. Knight, P. St. J. Russell, F. G. Omenetto, A. Efimov, and A. J. Taylor, "Transformation and control of ultra-short pulses in dispersion-engineered photonic crystal fibres," Nature 424, 511-515 (2003).

[2] F. Biancalana, D. V. Skryabin, and P. St. J. Russell, "Four-wave mixing instabilities in photonic-crystal and tapered fibers," Physical Review E 68, 046603 (2003).


[3] F. Biancalana and D. V. Skryabin, "Vector modulational instabilities in ultra-small core optical fibres," Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 6, 301-306 (2004).

[4] W. J. Wadsworth, N. Y. Joly, J. C. Knight, T. A. Birks, F. Biancalana, and P. St. J. Russell, "Supercontinuum and four-wave mixing with Q-switched pulses in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibres," Optics Express 12, 299-309 (2004).

[5] F. Biancalana, D. V. Skryabin, and A. V. Yulin, "Theory of the soliton self-frequency shift compensation by the resonant radiation in photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review E 70, 016615 (2004).

[6] D. V. Skryabin, F. Biancalana, D. M. Bird, and F. Benabid, "Effective Kerr nonlinearity and two-color solitons in photonic band-gap fibers filled with a Raman active gas," Physical Review Letters 93, 143907 (2004).

[7] A. Efimov, A. J. Taylor, F. G. Omenetto, A. V. Yulin, N. Y. Joly, F. Biancalana, D. V. Skryabin, J. C. Knight, and P. St. J. Russell, "Time-spectrally-resolved ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in small-core photonic crystal fibers: Experiment and modelling," Optics Express 12, 6498-6507 (2004).


[8] D. V. Skryabin, A. V. Yulin, and F. Biancalana, "Nontopological Raman-Kerr self-induced transparency solitons in photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review E 73, 045603(R) (2006).

[9] F. Biancalana, S. B. Healy, R. Fehse, and E. P. O`Reilly, "Intervalence band solitary waves in semiconductor quantum wells," Physical Review A 73, 063826 (2006).

[10] F. Biancalana, "Coherent Raman solitons in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers," Proceedings of SPIE 6103, 61030R (2006).


[11] F. Biancalana, A. Amann, A. V. Uskov, and E. P. O`Reilly, "Dynamics of light propagation in spatiotemporal dielectric structures," Physical Review E 75, 046607 (2007).


[12] F. Biancalana, A. Amann, and E. P. O`Reilly, "Gap solitons in spatiotemporal photonic crystals," Physical Review A 77, 011801(R) (2008).

[13] F. Biancalana and C. Creatore, "Instabilities and solitons in systems with spatiotemporal dispersion," Optics Express 16, 14882-14893 (2008).

[14] A. S. Cerqueira, C. M. Cordeiro, F. Biancalana, P. J. Roberts, H. E. Hernandez-Figueroa, and C. H. Cruz, "Nonlinear interaction between two different photonic bandgaps of a hybrid photonic crystal fiber," Optics Letters 33, 2080-2082 (2008).

[15] F. Biancalana, "All-optical diode action with quasiperiodic photonic crystals," Journal of Applied Physics 104, 093113 (2008).

[16] F. Benabid, F. Biancalana, P. S. Light, F. Couny, A. Luiten, P. J. Roberts, J. Peng, and A. V. Sokolov, "Fourth-order dispersion mediated solitonic radiations in HC-PCF cladding," Optics Letters 33, 2680-2682 (2008).

[17] F. Biancalana, A. Amann and E. P. O'Reilly, "Gap solitons in nonlinear spatiotemporal photonic crystals and gratings," Proceedings of SPIE 6989, 698909 (2008).


[18] Tr. X. Tran and F. Biancalana, "Dynamics and control of the early stage of supercontinuum generation in submicron-core optical fibers," Physical Review A 79, 065802 (2009).

[19] F. Biancalana, L. Mouchliadis, C. Creatore, S. Osborne, and W. Langbein,"Microcavity polariton-like dispersion doublet in resonant Bragg gratings," Physical Review B 80, 121306 (2009).

[20] Tr. X. Tran and F. Biancalana, "An accurate envelope equation for light propagation in photonic nanowires: new nonlinear effects," Optics Express 17, 17934-17949 (2009).


[21] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Bistability, multistability and nonreciprocal light propagation in Thue-Morse multilayered structures," New Journal of Physics 12, 053041 (2010).

[22] F. Biancalana, Tr. X. Tran, S. Stark, M. A. Schmidt, and P. St. J. Russell,"Emergence of geometrical optical nonlinearities in photonic crystal fiber nanowires," Physical Review Letters 105, 093904 (2010).

[23] J. Peng, A. V. Sokolov, F. Benabid, F. Biancalana, P. S. Light, F. Couny, and P. J. Roberts, "Widely tunable femtosecond solitonic radiation in photonic crystal fiber cladding," Physical Review A 81, 031803(R) (2010).

[24] C. Conti, S. Stark, P. St. J. Russell, F. Biancalana, "Multiple hydrodynamical shocks induced by Raman effect in photonic crystal fibres," Physical Review A 82, 013838 (2010).

[25] Tr. X. Tran, A. Podlipensky, P. St. J. Russell, and F. Biancalana, "Theory of Raman multipeak states in solid-core photonic crystal fibers," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 27, 1785-1791 (2010).

[26] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Bistability and stationary gap solitons in quasiperiodic photonic crystals based on Thue-Morse sequence," Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 8, 285-290 (2010).

[27] A. Hause, Tr. X. Tran, F. Biancalana, A. Podlipensky, P. St. J. Russell, and F. Mitschke, "Understanding Raman-shifting multipeak states in photonic crystal fibers: two convergent approaches," Optics Letters 35, 2167-2169 (2010).

[28] C. Conti, M. Schmidt, P. St. J. Russell, and F. Biancalana, "Highly noninstantaneous solitons in liquid-core photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review Letters 105, 263902 (2010).

[29] C. Creatore, L. Mouchliadis, F. Biancalana, S. Osborne, and W. Langbein,"Exciton-polaritons in Bragg gratings," Journal of Physics: Conference Series 210, 012034 (2010).


[30] S. P. Stark, F. Biancalana, A. Podlipensky, and P. St. J. Russell, "Nonlinear wavelength conversion in photonic crystal fibers with three zero dispersion points," Physical Review A 83, 023808 (2011).

[31] O. A. Smyrnov, F. Biancalana, and S. Malzer, "Modulational instability and solitons in excitonic semiconductor waveguides," Physical Review B 83, 205207 (2011).

[32] Tr. X. Tran, K. N. Cassemiro, C. Söller, K. J. Blow, and F. Biancalana,"Hybrid squeezing of solitonic resonant radiation in photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review A 84, 013824 (2011).

[33] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Resonant self-pulsations in coupled nonlinear microcavities," Physical Review A 83, 043816 (2011).

[34] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Nonreciprocal switching thresholds in coupled nonlinear microcavities," Optics Letters 36, 2131-2133 (2011).

[35] N. Y. Joly, J. Nold, W. Chang, P. Hölzer, A. Nazarkin, G. K. L. Wong, F. Biancalana, and P. St. J. Russell, "Bright spatially coherent wavelength-tunable deep-UV laser source in Ar-filled photonic crystal fiber," Physical Review Letters 106, 203901 (2011).

[36] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Coupled-mode theory for on-channel nonlinear microcavities," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 28, 2165-2173 (2011).

[37] M. F. Saleh, W. Chang, P. Hölzer, A. Nazarkin, J. C. Travers, N. Y. Joly, P. St. J. Russell, and F. Biancalana, "Theory of photoionization-induced blueshift of ultrashort solitons in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review Letters 107, 203902 (2011).

[38] P. Hölzer, W. Chang, J. C. Travers, A. Nazarkin, J. Nold, N. Y. Joly, M. F. Saleh, F. Biancalana, and P. St. J. Russell, "Femtosecond Nonlinear Fiber Optics in the Ionization Regime," Physical Review Letters 107, 203901 (2011).

[39] V. Grigoriev and F. Biancalana, "Exact analytical representations for broadband transmission properties of quarter-wave multilayers," Optics Letters 36, 3774-3776 (2011).

[40] M. F. Saleh and F. Biancalana, "Understanding the dynamics of photoionization-induced nonlinear effects and solitons in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers," Physical Review A 84, 063838 (2011).


[41] A. Butsch, C. Conti, F. Biancalana, P. St. J. Russell, "Optomechanical self-channelling of light in a suspended planar dual-nanoweb waveguide," Physical Review Letters 108, 093903 (2012).

[42] O. A. Smyrnov and F. Biancalana, "Resonant modulational instability and self-induced transmission effects in semiconductors: Maxwell-Bloch formalism," Physical Review B 85, 075201 (2012).

[43] Tr. X. Tran and F. Biancalana, "Non-reciprocal behavior and switching in optical couplers with longitudinally-varying coupling coefficient," Optics Letters 37, 1772-1774 (2012).

[44] C. Conti, A. Butsch, F. Biancalana and P. St. J. Russell, "Dynamics of optomechanical spatial solitons in dual-nanoweb structures," Physical Review A 86, 013830 (2012).

[45] M. F. Saleh, W.Chang, J. C. Travers, P. St. J. Russell and F. Biancalana,"Plasma-Induced Asymmetric Self-Phase Modulation and Modulational Instability in Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers," Physical Review Letters 109, 113902 (2012).

[46] F. Biancalana, "Negative Frequencies Get Real," Physics 5, 68 (2012).

[47] G. K. L. Wong, M. S. Kang, H. W. Lee, F. Biancalana, C. Conti, T. Weiss, and P. St. J. Russell, "Excitation of orbital angular momentum resonances in helically twisted photonic crystal fiber," Science 337, 446--449 (2012).

[48] A. Armaroli and F. Biancalana, "Tunable Modulational Instability Sidebands via Parametric Resonance in Periodically Tapered Optical Fibers," Optics Express 20, 25096-25110 (2012).


[49] H Dong, C Conti, A Marini and F Biancalana, "Terahertz relativistic spatial solitons in doped graphene metamaterials," Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46, 15540 (2013).

[50] A. Marini, M. Conforti, G. D. Valle, H. W. Lee, T. X. Tran, W. Chang, M. A. Schmidt, S. Longhi, P. St.J. Russell and Fabio Biancalana, "Thermo-modulational interband susceptibility and ultrafast temporal dynamics in nonlinear gold-based plasmonic devices," New J. of Physics 15, 013033 (2013).

[51] Samudra Roy and Fabio Biancalana, "Formation of quartic solitons and localized continuum in silicon-based slot waveguides," Physical Review A 87, 025801 (2013).

[52] T. X. Tran and F. Biancalana, "Diffractive Resonant Radiation Emitted by Spatial Solitons in Waveguide Arrays," Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 113903 (2013).

[53] Mohammed F. Saleh, and Fabio Biancalana, "Soliton-radiation trapping in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers," Phys. Rev. A 87, 043807 (2013).

[54] X. M. Xi, T. Weiss, G. K. L. Wong, F. Biancalana, S. M. Barnett, M. J. Padgett and P. St.J. Russell, "Optical activity in twisted solid-core photonic crystal fibers," Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 143903 (2013).

[55] Alessandro Ciattoni, Andrea Marini, Carlo Rizza, Michael Scalora and Fabio Biancalana, "Polariton excitation in epsilon-near-zero slabs: transient trapping of slow light," Phys. Rev. A 87, 053853 (2013).

[56] Andrea Marini, Fabio Biancalana, "Ultrashort self-induced transparency plasmon solitons," Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 243901 (2013).

[57] Samudra Roy, Andrea Marini, Fabio Biancalana, "Self-frequency blueshift of dissipative solitons in silicon-based waveguides," Phys. Rev. A 87, 065803 (2013).

[58] Andrea Armaroli and Fabio Biancalana, "Vector modulational instability induced by parametric resonance in periodically tapered highly-birefringent optical fibers," Phys. Rev. A 87, 063848 (2013).

[59] Thomas Roger, Mohammed F. Saleh, Samudra Roy, Fabio Biancalana, Chunyong Li and Daniele Faccio, "High-energy, shock-front assisted resonant radiation in the normal dispersion regime," Physical Review A (Rapid Communications) 88, 051801 (2013).

[60] Maxime Droques, Alexandre Kudlinski, Geraud Bouwmans, Gilbert Martinelli, Arnaud Mussot, Andrea Armaroli, Fabio Biancalana, "Fourth-order dispersion mediated modulation instability in dispersion oscillating fibers," Optics Letters 38, 3464-3467 (2013).

[61] Matteo Conforti, Andrea Marini, Daniele Faccio and Fabio Biancalana,"Negative frequencies get real: a missing puzzle piece in nonlinear optics," (2013).

[62] Truong X. Tran and Fabio Biancalana, "Mimicking the nonlinear dynamics of optical fibers with waveguide arrays: towards a spatiotemporal supercontinuum generation," Optics Express 21, 17539-17546 (2013).

[63] T. Weiss, G. K. L. Wong, F. Biancalana, S. M. Barnett, X. M. Xi and P. St.J. Russell, "Topological Zeeman effect and circular birefringence in twisted photonic crystal fibers," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 30, 2921-2927 (2013).

[64] Matteo Conforti, Andrea Marini, Truong X. Tran, Daniele Faccio, and Fabio Biancalana, "Interaction between optical fields and their conjugates in nonlinear media," Optics Express 21, 31239-31252 (2013).


[65] Truong X. Tran, Stefano Longhi and Fabio Biancalana, "Optical analogue of relativistic Dirac solitons in binary waveguide arrays," Annals of Physics 340, 179-187 (2014).

[66] M. J. Schmidberger, D. Novoa, F. Biancalana, P. St.J. Russell, and N. Y. Joly,"Multistability and spontaneous breaking in pulse-shape symmetry in fiber ring cavities," Optics Express 22, 3045-3053 (2014).

[67] A. Marini, Tr. X. Tran, S. Roy, S. Longhi, F. Biancalana, "Optical analogue of spontaneous symmetry breaking induced by tachyon condensation in amplifying plasmonic arrays ," Phys. Rev. A 89, 023840 (2014).

[68] Mohammed F. Saleh, Andrea Marini, and Fabio Biancalana, "Shock-induced PT-symmetric potentials in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers," Phys. Rev. A 89, 023801 (2014).

[69] Truong X. Tran, Dung C. Duong, and Fabio Biancalana, "Supercontinuum generation in both frequency and wavenumber domains in nonlinear waveguide arrays," Phys. Rev. A 89, 013826 (2014).

[70] Samudra Roy, Andrea Marini and Fabio Biancalana, "Free-carrier driven spatio-temporal dynamics in amplifying silicon waveguides," Phys. Rev. A 89, 053827 (2014).

[71] Andrea Marini, Stefano Longhi, and Fabio Biancalana, "Optical simulation of neutrino oscillations in binary waveguide arrays," Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 150401 (2014).

[72] Andrea Armaroli . and Fabio Biancalana, "Suppression and splitting of modulational instability sidebands in periodically tapered optical fibers due to fourth-order dispersion.," Opt. Lett. 39, 4804 (2014).

[73] Truong X. Tran, Dung C. Duong, and Fabio Biancalana, "Light bullets in nonlinear waveguide arrays under the influence of dispersion and the Raman effect," Phys. Rev. A 90, 023857 (2014).


[74] Cristian Redondo Loures, Andrea Armaroli and Fabio Biancalana, "Contribution of third-harmonic and negative frequency polarization fields to self-phase modulation in nonlinear media," Optics Letters 40, 613 (2015).

[75] Andrea Armaroli, Claudio Conti, and Fabio Biancalana, "Rogue solitons in optical fibers: a dynamical process in a complex energy landscape?," Optica 2, 497 (2015) (2015).

[76] Andrea Marini, Samudra Roy, Ajit Kumar and Fabio Biancalana, "Loss-compensated nonlinear modes and symmetry breaking in amplifying metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic couplers", Phys. Rev. A 91, 043815 (2015).

[77] Mohammed Saleh, Andrea Armaroli, Truong X. Tran, Andrea Marini, Federico Belli, Amir Abdolvand and Fabio Biancalana, "Temporal condensed matter physics in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers," Optics Express 23, 11879 (2015).

[78] Truong X. Tran, Xuan N. Nguyen, and Fabio Biancalana, "Dirac solitons in square binary waveguide lattices," Phys. Rev. A 91, 023814 (2015).

[79] C. Redondo Loures, D. Faccio and F. Biancalana, "Extended temporal Lugiato-Lefever equation and the effect of conjugate fields in optical resonator frequency combs", Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 193904 (2015).

[80] M. Saleh, A. Armaroli, A. Marini and F. Biancalana, "Strong Raman-induced non-instantaneous soliton interactions in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers", Opt. Lett. 40, 4058 (2015).

[81] M. Saleh and F. Biancalana, "Tunable frequency-up/down conversion in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers", Opt. Lett. 40, 4218 (2015).

[82] M. Saleh and F. Biancalana, "Soliton dynamics in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers" (review paper), J. Opt. 18, 013002 (2015).


[83] Y. Chen, M. F. Saleh, N. Joly and F. Biancalana, "Guiding 2.94 microns using low-loss antiresonant triangular-core fibers", J. Appl. Phys. 119, 143104 (2016).

[84] D. Carvalho, A. Marini and F. Biancalana, "Dynamical centrosymmetry breaking - a novel mechanism of second harmonic generation in graphene", Annals of Physics

[85] G. Demetriou, H. T. Bookey, F. Biancalana, E. Abraham, Y. Wang, W. Ji and A. K. Kar, "Nonlinear optical properties of multilayer graphene in the infrared", Optics Express 24, 13033 (2016).


[86] M. F. Saleh, C. Conti and F. Biancalana, "Anderson localisation and optical-event horizons in rogue-soliton generation", Optics Express 25, 5457 (2017).

[87] Y. Chen, M. F. Saleh, N. Y. Joly and F. Biancalana, "Low-loss single-mode negatively curved square-core hollow fibers", Optics Letters 42, 1285 (2017).

[88] F. Copie, M. Conforti, A. Kudlinski, F. Biancalana, A. Mussot and S. Trillo, "Instabilities in passive dispersion oscillating fiber ring cavities", Eur. J. Phys. D 71, 133 (2017).

[89] C. Redondo Loures, T. Roger, D. Faccio and F. Biancalana, "Super-resonant radiation stimulated by high-harmonics", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 043902 (2017).

[90] C. Robson and F. Biancalana, "Giant ultrafast Kerr effect in superconductors", Phys. Rev. B 95, 214504 (2017).

[91] M. Conforti and F. Biancalana, "Multi resonant Lugiato-Lefever model", Optics Letters 42, 3666 (2017).

[92] Truong X. Tran and Fabio Biancalana, "Linear and nonlinear photonic Jackiw-Rebbi states in interfaced binary waveguide arrays", Phys. Rev. A 96, 013831 (2017).

[93] Truong X. Tran, Dung C. Duong and Fabio Biancalana, "Interaction between Dirac solitons and Jackiw-Rebbi states in binary waveguide arrays", Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 5092 (2017).


[94] L. Di Mauro Villari, E. Wright, F. Biancalana and C. Conti, "Quantum soliton evaporation", Phys. Rev. A 98, 043859 (2018).

[95] Rosie Hayward and Fabio Biancalana, "Constructing new nonlinear evolution equations with supersymmetry", Journal of Physics A 51, 275202 (2018).

[96] D. Vocke, C. Maitland, A. Prain, F. Biancalana, F. Marino & D. Faccio, "Rotating black hole geometries in a two-dimensional photon superfluid", Optica 5, 1099 (2018).

[97] D. Carvalho, A. Marini and F. Biancalana, "Nonlinear optical effects of opening a gap in graphene", Phys. Rev. B 97, 195123 (2018).

[98] C. Robson and F. Biancalana, "Giant asymmetric self-phase modulation in superconductor thin films", Mater. Res. Express 5, 046001 (2018).

[99] L. Di Mauro Villari, I. Galbraith and F. Biancalana, "Coulomb effects in the absorbance spectra of two-dimensional Dirac materials", Phys. Rev. B 98, 205402 (2018).

[100] D. Faccio and F. Biancalana, "Shining light on an old problem", Nature Photonics 12, 257 (2018).

[101] Rosie Hayward and Fabio Biancalana, "Complex Berry phase dynamics in Pt-symmetric coupled waveguides", Phys. Rev. A 98, 053833 (2018).


[102 S. Vezzoli, A. Mussot, N. Westerberg, A. Kudlinski, H. D. Saleh, A. Prain, F. Biancalana, E. Lantz, D. Faccio, "Optical analogue of the dynamical Casimir effect in a dispersion-oscillating fiber", accepted in Nature Communications Physics (2019).

[103] C. Robson, L. Di Mauro Villari and F. Biancalana, "Universal Quantum Hawking evaporation of integrable 2D solitons", New Journal of Physics 21, 053042 (2019).

[104] Christy Kelly, Carlo Trugenberger and Fabio Biancalana, "Self-assembly of geometric space from random graphs", accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravity 36, (2019).

[105] Calum Maitland, Daniele Faccio and Fabio Biancalana, "Modulation Instability of Discrete Angular momentum in Coupled Fiber Rings", Journal of Optics 21, 065504 (2019).

[106] C. Robson, L. Di Mauro Villari and F. Biancalana, "Topological nature of the Hawking temperature of black holes", accepted by Phys. Rev. D 99, 044042 (2019).

[107] C. Robson, L. Di Mauro Villari and F. Biancalana, "Global Hawking Temperature of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime: a Topological Approach", submitted (2019).

[108] C. Robson, L. Di Mauro Villari and F. Biancalana, "The Hawking temperature of anti-de Sitter black holes: Topology and phase transitions", submitted (2019).

[109] Rosie Hayward and F. Biancalana, "Monopole-antimonopole instability in non-Hermitian coupled waveguides", submitted (2019).


[86] M. F. Saleh, C. Conti and F. Biancalana, "Anderson localisation and optical-event horizons in rogue-soliton generation", Optics Express 25, 5457 (2017).

[87] Y. Chen, M. F. Saleh, N. Y. Joly and F. Biancalana, "Low-loss single-mode negatively curved square-core hollow fibers", Optics Letters 42, 1285 (2017).

[88] F. Copie, M. Conforti, A. Kudlinski, F. Biancalana, A. Mussot and S. Trillo, "Instabilities in passive dispersion oscillating fiber ring cavities", Eur. J. Phys. D 71, 133 (2017).

[89] C. Redondo Loures, T. Roger, D. Faccio and F. Biancalana, "Super-resonant radiation stimulated by high-harmonics", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 043902 (2017).

[90] C. Robson and F. Biancalana, "Giant ultrafast Kerr effect in superconductors", Phys. Rev. B 95, 214504 (2017).

[91] M. Conforti and F. Biancalana, "Multi resonant Lugiato-Lefever model", Optics Letters 42, 3666 (2017).

[92] Truong X. Tran and Fabio Biancalana, "Linear and nonlinear photonic Jackiw-Rebbi states in interfaced binary waveguide arrays", Phys. Rev. A 96, 013831 (2017).

[93] Truong X. Tran, Dung C. Duong and Fabio Biancalana, "Interaction between Dirac solitons and Jackiw-Rebbi states in binary waveguide arrays", Journal of Lightwave Technology 35, 5092 (2017).


[94] L. Di Mauro Villari, E. Wright, F. Biancalana and C. Conti, "Quantum soliton evaporation", submitted (2017).

[95] Rosie Hayward and Fabio Biancalana, "Constructing new nonlinear evolution equations with supersymmetry", accepted by Journal of Physics A (2017).

[96] D. Vocke, C. Maitland, A. Prain, F. Biancalana, F. Marino & D. Faccio, "Rotating black hole geometries in a two-dimensional photon superfluid", submitted (2017).

[97] D. Carvalho, A. Marini and F. Biancalana, "Nonlinear optical effects of opening a gap in graphene", Phys. Rev. B 97, 195123 (2018).

[98] C. Robson and F. Biancalana, "Giant asymmetric self-phase modulation in superconductor thin films", Mater. Res. Express 5, 046001 (2018).

[99] L. Di Mauro Villari, I. Galbraith and F. Biancalana, "Coulomb effects in the absorbance spectra of two-dimensional Dirac materials", submitted (2018).

[100] S. Vezzoli, A. Mussot, N. Westerberg, A. Kudlinski, H. D. Saleh, A. Prain, F. Biancalana, E. Lantz and D. Faccio, "Optical Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Dispersion-Oscillating Fiber", submitted (2018).

[101] D. Faccio and F. Biancalana, "Shining light on an old problem", Nature Photonics 12, 257 (2018).