Our 50+1-Year Reunion 2022

Reunion #9, the 50+1 year reunion, August 6, 2022! 93 attended the reunion, 13 took a tour of the high school and a bunch came to the Friday night Meet and Greet at the Marriott. More photos can be seen on our class Facebook group. If you're not a member of our Facebook group, make a request to join our group. A video of the "entertainment" can be found on our Facebook group. Thanks to Lorrie and Mike Monahan for doing the video!

Group photo.

Meet and Greet gathering at the Marriott hotel Friday night.

Christy Stone Longrie at the Meet and Greet.

Group photo in front of Baron during tour of Bloomfield Hills High School on Saturday.

Tour guide Beth Kalusniak giving us a two and a half hour tour of the school.

The tour finished up at the Pete Bowers Studio, the main studio of radio station WBFH, The Biff. Everybody got a free Biff t-shirt as a parting gift.

Dinner is being served at the class reunion held at the Birmingham Athletic Club (BAC) Saturday night.

Our awesome Reunion Weekend Chair, Sandy Sweeney Feloni, has a few words to say before the "entertainment" begins.

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