Future of Low Carbon Energy

There is a series of five lectures, available online to anyone, anywhere in the


Obviously they are now historic but may well still be of interest.

The Imperial College, London, is hosting is making them available via:


1) Tuesday Oct 12, 2010, 16:30pm, "Building a Low-Carbon Economy"

Sir Prof Brian Hoskins, Imperial College London, Keynote lecture!

If anyone would like to attend, but has difficulty, or needs help

in getting started, it is recommended that the Facebook page is


2) Thursday Oct 14, 2010, 16:30pm, "Fuel Cells" Prof Nigel

Brandon, Imperial College London

3) Monday Oct 18, 2010, 16:30pm, "Global Oil Depletion" Dr Steven

Sorrell, Sussex Energy Group

4) Tuesday Oct 19, 2010, 16:30pm, "Carbon Capture from Point

Sources," Dr Paul Fennel, Imperial College London

5) Thursday Oct 21, 2010, 16:30pm, "Geological Carbon Storage" Dr

Tara LaForce, Imperial College London

For those unfamiliar with the environment that is a part of the

virtual world, Second Life, it is not difficult and you can find

step-by-step instructions here.

There are some links from the first lecture (12th October):

http://theccc.org.uk/ "The Future of Low Carbon Energy": http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=136378543064934 Blog of the organiser of the talks, Joanna Scott: http://blogs.nature.com/joannascott/

Info from Pat McLean