Big Head Basketball

Big Head Basketball is a 2-player basketball game. It is published by Madpuffers. The objective of the game is to defeat your opponent's team and score more points than them by scoring shots with the ball inside the basket, while preventing them from scoring theirs.

The game features various modes. One of these modes is Capture the Flag, where players must steal their opponents' flag and bring it back to their base without getting tagged with one of their opponents' colored beam.

Basketball Stars has many different modes which make it an interesting game for any player who is looking for a fun time with friends or family members.

Big Head Basketball is a 2-player basketball game created by Madpuffers. It is popular on Apple and Android devices. The game is free and the rules are very simple: there’s one hoop per player which they can only score from, players can use their hands to catch or shoot the ball, you can’t dribble or run with the ball.

The goal of this review is to provide a critical assessment of Big Head Basketball as a strategy board game for mobile devices.

In this review, we will be looking at the following factors:

1) The number of users 2) The number of downloads 3) Gameplay rating 4) Gameplay quality rating

The game features a pixelated art style, simplistic controls, and unique gameplay mechanics.

The game is available on the app store for iphones and android devices.

Basketball Stars is a 2-player basketball game created by Madpuffers. The game features a pixelated art style, simplistic controls, and unique gameplay mechanics. The game is available on the app store for iphones and android devices.