Устная речь

Техника чтения

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Ситуации для диалогов

1. You and your friend have won a scholarship to live and study at a college abroad. The college is situated in the big city. You have to decide what place of living to choose:

    • the city

    • the nearest town

    • the village

Notes look here

2. Imagine that you and your friend would have a chance to take part in one of the festivals. Decide what festival would you choose

    • Nathan’s International hot dog eating contest

    • Chandler Ostrich festival

    • Watermelon Thump

    • Lizard Racing Championship

    • Holi Festival of Colours

    • Festival of Lights

for information look here

3. You and your friend want to take up some sport to keep fit. Decide what activity to choose

    • going to the gym

    • going to the swimming pool

    • joining a sport club (football, basketball, volleyball, dancing)

    • doing morning exercises

    • jogging in the park

4. You and you friend are discussing how to cope with stress. Discuss the options and choose the best way:

    • physical exercises

    • going out

    • taking up a hobby

    • reading a book

    • meditation

    • alternative medicine (hypnotherapy, joining a laughter club, visiting an oxigen bar, aerial yoga)

5. You and your friend are staying at a hotel in London and planning what place of interest to visist:

    • London National Gallery

    • Natural History Museum

    • British Museum

    • Design Museum

  • National Maritime Museum

  • Royal Observatory Greenwich

  • London Planetrium

  • London Science Museum

for information look here.