

 2                         Множественное число существительных


 This is my book. (Это моя книга.)

 That is my teddy bear. (Там мой мишка.)

 These are my arms. (Это мои руки)

 Those are my toys. (Там мои игрушки)

1 dog - 2 dogs

1 dress - 2 dresses

1 fly - 2 flies

1 monkey - 2 monkeys

Исключения: 1 foot - 2 feet

                       1 tooth - 2 teeth

                       1 mouse - 2 mice

                       1 sheep - 2 sheep

 1 man - 2 men

 1 woman - 2 women

 1 child - 2 children

 1 goose - 2 geese

 4      Кто?

I (am) - я

She (is) - она

He (is) - он

It (is) - он, она, оно

You (are) - ты, вы

We (are) - мы

They (are) - они


my - мой

her - ее

his - его

its - ее, его (с предметами и животными)

your - твой, ваш

our - наш

their - их

 3                                      Принадлежность (Чей?)

Whose book is this? - Чья это книга?

It's Tom's book. - Это книга Тома.

 5             have got                      has got                   

                  I, we, you, they                       it, he, she                               

I have got a book.          =     I've got a book.

He has got a pen.          =     He's got a pen.

We have not got a dog.  =    We haven't got a dog.

She has not got a cat.    =      She hasn't got a cat.

Have they got apples? Yes, they have. / No, they haven't.

Has she got oranges? Yes, she has.  / No, she hasn't

 7                                                 there is / there are

                                                            (там есть)

There is a pen on the desk. (На парте есть ручка.)

There are two books on the desk. (На парте есть две книги.)

There isn't an apple on the desk. (На парте нет яблока.)

There aren't toys on the desk.(На парте нет игрушек.)

Is there a pencil on the desk? Yes, there is. (На парте есть карандаш? Да.)

Are there rulers on the desk? No, there aren't. (На парте есть линейки? Нет)


 9                                                    Present Simple

(Настоящее простое время)

 6                               can (мочь, уметь)

I can jump. (Я умею прыгать.)

I can't fly. (Я не могу летать.)

Can you swim? (Ты умеешь плавать?)

Yes, I can. (Да, умею.)

Can you fly? (Ты можешь летать?)

No, I can't. (Нет, не могу)


can't = cannot

Can I go for a walk, mum? (Мама, можно я пойду гулять?)

 8                                      Present Continuous

                                 Настоящее длительное время

Действие происходит в настоящий момент, в момент речи, сейчас.


You       + V / don't V




She       + Vs(es) / doesn't V


have - has

go - goes

do - does

I like apples.

We  play football.

You don't listen to music.

They don't jump at school.

He likes apples.

She dances very well.

She doesn't listen to music..

It doesn't play with a ball. 

Do you like apples? Yes, I do.

Do they play football? No, they don't.

Does he swim well? Yes, he does.

Does she go to school? No, she doesn't.


 are + Ving          


 They are swimming now.

 Are they watching TV?

 No, they‘re not. They are not watching TV.

Слова подсказки: now, at the moment, Look! Listen!

 10                                                  some / any 

                                          (немного, несколько)

 Утвердительные предложения


 Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения


 11                                            somebody- something

There is somebody in the room. (В комнате кто-то есть.)

There is something in the bag. (В сумке что-то есть.)

Is there anybody in the room? (В комнате есть кто-нибудь?)

Is there anything in the bag? (В сумке есть что-нибудь?)

There isn't anybody in the room. There is nobody in the room. (В комнате никого нет.)

There isn't anybody in the bag. There is nothing in the bag. (В сумке ничего нет.)

There are some apples and some milk on the table.

There  aren't any oranges and any juece on the table.

 12                                 Prepositions of time 


 даты on 18 October

 дни недели on Sunday


 времена года in summer

 месяцы in April 

 части дня

 in the morning

 in the afternoon

 in the evening


 время at 10 o'clock

 at night, at noon