What is a Scratch in Pool?

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Scratch occurs when the cue ball goes into a pocket, or jumps off the pool table, on the break

1. What is scratch in billiards?

In billiards, scratch is a term used to describe the situation where the cue ball is pocketed while attempting to hit another ball. A player may also scratch if the cue ball is pocketed on the break shot, or if the cue ball is touched by another ball after it has been hit by the cue stick. If a player scratches, his opponent may place the cue ball anywhere on the table and take his next shot.

2. How is scratch in billiards different from a regular shot?

In billiards, a scratch is when the cue ball is pocketed after hitting a ball that was not the intended target. This can happen if the cue ball is aimed too high and hits the top of the cue ball, causing it to spin off the table. It can also happen if the cue ball is aimed too low and hits the bottom of the cue ball, causing it to spin off the table.

3. What are the consequences of scratch in billiards?

There are a few consequences of scratch in billiards. The first is that the player who scratched forfeits their turn. The second is that the player who scratched has to place the cue ball back in play. The third is that any balls that were pocketed on the scratch shot are returned to the table. The fourth is that the player who scratched incurs a penalty of one point.

4. How can I avoid scratch in billiards?

There are a few things you can do to avoid scratching in billiards. One is to make sure that your cue tip is not too hard. If it is, it will tend to slide off the cue ball rather than grab it. Softer cue tips are better for control. Another thing you can do is to use a lighter touch when striking the cue ball. A harder hit will cause the cue ball to spin faster and is more likely to cause a scratch.

5. What are some common mistakes that lead to scratch in billiards?

There are many common mistakes that lead to scratch in billiards. Perhaps the most common is failing to hit the cue ball squarely with the cue stick. This results in a glancing blow that sends the cue ball off course and into the rail. Other common mistakes include failing to hit the cue ball with enough speed, hitting the cue ball too hard, and using too much English (spin) on the cue ball. Any of these can result in a scratch.

6. How can I tell if I'm about to scratch in billiards?

There are a few things you can look for to tell if you're about to scratch in billiards. First, pay attention to your cue stick. If it starts to slide across the table or feels loose in your hand, that's a sign that you may be about to scratch. Second, listen to the sound of the cue ball hitting the other balls. If it sounds dull or muffled, that's another sign that you may be about to scratch.

7. What are the odds of scratching in billiards?

There are a number of factors that affect the odds of scratching in billiards, including the type of game being played, the skill level of the players, and the type of table being used. In general, however, the odds of scratching are relatively low. For example, in the game of eight-ball, the odds of scratching on a shot are approximately 1 in 10. This means that for every 10 shots taken, one is likely to result in a scratch.

8. Is there a way to practice avoiding scratch in billiards?

There is no surefire way to avoid scratching in billiards, but there are some things you can do to minimize the risk. First, make sure your cue tip is in good condition and is the appropriate size for the cue ball. Second, use a light touch when striking the cue ball, and aim for the center of the ball. Third, use a soft break cue and aim for the middle of the rack. Finally, practice regularly so that you develop good aim and control.

9. What are some professional tips for avoiding scratch in billiards?

There are a few professional tips for avoiding scratch in billiards: 1. Always use a cue ball with a fresh coat of chalk. Chalk your cue before every shot. 2. Keep your cue tip round and well-polished. 3. Use a leather tip. 4. Use a soft break. 5. Use a pool table cover.

10. How can I improve my overall game to avoid scratch in billiards?

There is no one definitive answer to this question, as there are many different factors that can contribute to scratching in billiards. However, here are a few general tips that may help you avoid scratching in your games: 1. First and foremost, practice, practice, practice! The more you play and the more comfortable you become with the game, the less likely you are to make mistakes that could lead to a scratch. 2. Pay attention to your grip.

What is a Scratch in Pool

by Geekimo

Written by Geekimo

If you’ve ever played pool, you’ve probably experienced this . When a shot goes horribly wrong, your pulse drops as the cue ball drops into a pocket. That’s it for the game and that is pool scratch rules.

The ball can be placed wherever on the surface by your rival. Is the player capable of doing so? Is it just possible to put it beneath the head-string? Or the end of the tabletop where the cue ball was scratching? What is the definition of a scratch in a pool? See the official pool table rules set out by the by the WPA

If you are unfamiliar with billiard lingo, the moniker “Scratch” may appear odd. Scratching a cue ball in billiards does not imply that the white ball has been defaced! A scratch is a word used to describe a foul, especially one on the white ball.

Be aware that not all fouls are scratches, but all scratches are fouls. Are you still puzzled? All of these issues, as well as others like what are the billiard regulations for scratching, scratching on the break, and scratching on the eight ball, etc., will all be answered in this article. Let’s get into this!

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What is A Scratch Pool? -Rules and Regulations!

In simple terms, a scratch in pools occurs when the white ball is potted. A foul is caused as a result of this. Similar pool infractions exist, including potting your opposition’s ball, but that’s not one of them.

  • It’s a scratch whenever you have potted your ball, and afterward, the cue ball in that play.

  • It’s a scratch if you rebound off the cushions following the white ball dips into the holes

  • It doesn’t matter what follows; when the white ball falls, that’s a scratch.

Scratching happens whenever the cue ball is pocketed, according to the WPA rules of billiards, paragraph 8.6 on scratching.

As a result, fouling by other methods is not considered a scratch but rather a violation.

Definition of a Table Scratch

The phrase “table scratch” refers to a variety of common violations which happen without the cue ball being pocketed or pushed off the billiard top. When a table is scratched, the opponent generally gets ball-in-hand. The fouls listed hereunder are those which come within the table scratch category.

Failure to Pocket or Contact Cushion

A table scratch happens when the striking person fails to hit the lawful objective ball to a pocket or a cushion. To become a valid stroke, the player should contact the cue ball, which impacts a targeted billiard ball on the table. The targeted ball should then go to one of the cushions or pockets. It’s termed a table scratch whenever a targeted ball does neither.

Failure to Hit an Object

Whenever an individual miss to strike a target ball using the cue ball, a table scratch happens. Whereas when a cue ball hits one of the cushions and does not make a connection with an object ball, it is still called considered a violation.

What Happens When You Scratch?

It’s important to note that the regulations change significantly depending on whether you’re playing nine-ball or eight-ball and whether or not you make a scratch on the breakaway.

Whenever a scratch is performed in an 8-ball or 9-ball game, once the participants have selected solids or stripes, the other person (who didn’t make a scratch) is given a ball in hand.

Players may put the cue ball wherever on the billiard table’s playing area while holding the ball in their hands.

Players have the option of placing and then moving the cue ball till they make their move.

The following covers tournament playing regulations, which deviate from standard pub board regulations, which require the opposition to put the cue ball below the “head string” in the “kitchen” when the striker scratches.

You could only strike the ball further when you’re gaming under such pub table regulations.

Assuming you wished to make the target ball go into the “kitchen,” for instance, you’d have to shoot the cue ball out of the kitchen and then have it re-enter to pot the target ball.

So, Why the Difference?

The rationale for the differences in championship competition regulations in this area is because participants are given a ball in hand following a violation, enabling them to flexibly position the cue ball wherever they like on the table.

That’s an attempt to prevent professionals from offending on purpose with the knowledge that it could put their opponents in a disadvantageous position behind the head string.

How The Professionals Play – Types of Scratch

There are numerous regulations for various events and organizations all over the world. In terms of both amateurs and professionals in North America, the below instances are the most prevalent.

Table Scratch

A table scratch occurs whenever a person fails to strike any target ball using the cue ball. A target ball that does not contact cushions or pockets is in the same condition. Minimum one object ball should be struck by the pool ball, and the target ball should strike a cushion or a pocket.

Gameplay Scratch

If you send the cue ball flying off the table or pocket it, a scratch occurs. It is also regarded when the cue ball touches the target ball’s surface in a full pocket. The guilty person misses their turn, and the opposition player is free to position and strike the cue ball from whatever location on the board in any manner.

Break Scratch

Any pocketed balls stay pocketed whenever players scratch on the breakaway, the offender fails the turn, and the other individual can strike from wherever behind the head-string. The board stays open, and the ball is confined to any target ball on the different ends of the head string (excluding the eight ball).

8 Pall Scratch

Scratch punishments are as follows when only the eight ball is left aside:

  • The game is lost, and the rack is won when the cue ball is pocketed after or before the eight ball.

  • When and if the cue ball is pocketed, but the eight ball is not dropped, the opposition’s ball is in hand.


Thanks to the World Pool Association pool regulations, we finally understand a scratch in a pool: a foul when you pot the white ball.

We’ve also discovered that whenever you drop the white ball or scratch in the pool, the following applies: The opposition receives possession of the ball.

Keep in mind that all these regulations generally apply when a participant has been given billiard balls. When a scratch occurs during a break or in general play, the principles are different. If a scratch is made while being on the eight ball, the same rules apply.