Risks Associated with Face Lift Surgery

Best plastic surgeon in Delhi always informs you about any sort of complication that might happen during the surgery well in advance. Such is a case with the face lift surgeon in Delhi also. Be it hair transplant surgeon or face life surgeons the main priority of all is to keep their patients safe. Here are the risks associated with face lift surgery.

Post-operative complications

Just like all the other surgical procedure have some sort of risks associated with it, there are some risks that are associated with facelift surgery also. Yu can minimize these risks by going in for the qualified as well as the most experienced surgeon who is a specialist in the facial surgery. The only priority that the best surgeon has is to assure the safety of their patient. One of the major risks that are associated with the face lift surgery is the post-operative complications which are infection and reaction to anesthesia in addition to bleeding as well as hematoma.


Another disadvantage that is associated with face lift surgery is the hair loss, though it is temporary but it does occur at or most probably near the incision sites. In addition to this the patient also suffer from skin loss. Though such a happening is rare yet it might occur behind the ear especially in the patients who smoke. This is so because excessive smoking reduces the blood flow. Numbness as well as tingling around the incision areas is another drawback of the face lift surgery that you cannot ignore. The alterations in the skin sensation have the potential to last for at least few months extending up to a couple of years. Last but not the least, skin discoloration might also occur.

All in all, these are the risks associated with face lift surgery that you ought to know prior to deciding for undergoing the same.

Source: http://bestcosmeticsurgeonindelhi.simplesite.com/441210776