2010 Advance Program: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI)

Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Conference Sponsored by SPIE and IS&T

Bernice Rogowitz and Thrasyvoulos Pappas, Chairs

San Jose Convention Center, January 18-21, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Keynote Session

Session Chairs: Bernice Rogowitz and Thrasos Pappas

Monday, January 18, 2010

10:30 Georges Grinstein, Keynote U Mass, Lowell

Visualization Grand Challenges

11:15 Roger Kendall, Keynote, UCLA

Music in film and animation: Experimental semiotics applied to visual sound and musical structures

12:00 Lunch

Artificial Retina

Session Chair: Mel Sahyun

1:40 J.-M. Seo, Seoul

Electrico-retinal simulation for prosthetic vision

2:00 D. Shire, Cornell

Engineering development of the Boston visual prosthesis

2:20 T. Fujikado, Osaka

The acute clinical trial of artificial retina by suprachoroidal-transretinal stimulation

2:40 R. Iezzi, Mayo Clinic

no title

3:00 Coffee

Advanced Brain Imaging, Perception and Cognition

Session Chairs: Lora Likova and Stan Klein

Monday, January 18, 2010

3:30 Stanley Klein, Thom Carney, David Kim, UC Berkeley

Isolating early vision sources of EEG and MEG by using fMRI and MRI.

3:50 Lora T Likova, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

Noninvasive “reading” of the neural signal from BOLD fMRI.

4:10 Srikantan Nagarajan, UCSF

Application of machine learning algorithms to human functional brain imaging.

4:30 Adam Gazzaley, UCSF

Top-down modulation: The crossroads of perception, attention and memory.

4:50 Ayelet N. Landau, William Prinzmetal, Lynn C. Robertson, and Michael A. Silver

Neural circuits mediating voluntary and involuntary attention: A functional MRI coherency study.

5:10 Cliff Saron, Center for Mind and Brain, UC Davis Training attention: Longitudinal changes in cortical activity associated with intensive meditation.

5:30-6:30 Interactive Discussion: Keynote Talks, Artificial Retina, Perception and Brain Imaging

7:30 Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Banquet

Monday Evening, January 18, 2010

Tuesday, January 20, 2010

Session: Advances in Image Quality

Session Chair: Eli Peli

Tuesday Morning, January 19, 2010

9:30 Sabine Susstrunk 7527-21 invited Toward a comprehensive color image quality metric

10:00 Russell Woods Statistical analysis of subjective preferences for video enhancement

10:20 David Rouse Tradeoffs in subjective testing methods for image and video quality assessment

10:40 Coffee

11:10 Kil Joong Kim Calibration of the visual difference predictor for estimating visibility of JPEG2K compression artifacts in medical CT images

11:30 Kalpana Seshadrinathan A Subjective Study to Evaluate Video Quality Assessment Algorithms

11:50 David Hands Subjective assessment of HDTV content: comparison of quality across HDTV formats

12:10 Lunch

Session: New Directions in Image Quality

Session Chair: Bernice Rogowitz

Tuesday afternoon, January 19, 2010

1:40 James A. Ferwerda RIT The medium and the message: a re-visionist view of image quality

2:00 Junli Wang Quantifying the relationship between visual salience and visual importance

2:20 Sachin Deshpande Synchronization mismatch: Vernier acuity and perception evaluation for large ultrahigh resolution tiled displays

2:40 Nicholas Tran A perceptual similarity measure based on smoothing filters and the normalized compression distance

3:00 Coffee

Session: Visual, Auditory and Tactile Texture Perception

Session Chair: Thrasyvoulos Pappas

Tuesday afternoon, January 19, 2010

3:30 Rene Van Egmund Subband analysis and synthesis of real world textures for objective and subjective determination of roughness

3:50 Pantelis Vassilakis Psychoacoustical and cognitive aspects of auditory roughness

4:10 Martin Wijntjes Haptics for bank note design

4:30 Darling Tangible display systems: the development of tangible interfaces for computer-based studies of surface appearance

4:50 Lightening Session- Poster preview (30 minutes)

Chair: Bernice Rogowitz

2-slides/2 minutes for each poster 9 posters

5:30 POSTER Session

Tuesday afternoon, January 19, 2010

Jimmy Wang Learning exponential transformation models of natural images

Hantao Liu No-reference image quality assessment based on localized gradient statistics: application to JPEG and JPEG2000

Andrew Kuntz Automated videography for residential communications

Huang Min Evaluation of subjective and objective color difference on color image

Anush Moorthy Efficient motion weighted spatio-temporal video SSIM index

Kjell Brunnström The impact of transmission errors on progressive 720 lines HDTV coded with H.264

Xuanqin Mou Divisive normalization in channelized Hotelling observer

Umesh Rajashekar Full-reference color image quality assessment using adaptive signal representations

Chang-Lin Huang Face image illumination normalization for face recognition

Dan Luo PCA-based method for recognizing multiple persons' hand gestures from the video sequence acquired by a moving camera

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Session: Art and Science Render the High-Dynamic-Range World Session Chair: John McCann

Wednesday January 20, 2010

9:30 AM John Sexton, Photographer, Keynote

Photographing the range of light: Works by Ansel Adams and John Sexton

10:10 AM John McCann, McCann Imaging

The Ansel Adams Zone System: Chemical HDR capture and range Compression


10:30 Jodi Throckmorton, San Jose Museum

Tour of "Ansel Adams:Early Works", travel to the San Jose Museum of Art

12:00 Lunch

1:30 Carinna Parramen, UWE, E104-33 invited

The drama of illumination: Artists' approaches to the creation of HDR in painting and prints

2:00 Christopher Tyler

Darkness and depth in early Renaissance painting

2:20 Rafal Mantiuk

The luminance of pure black: exploring the effect of surround

2:40 A. Rizzi U. Milano

Object size, spatial frequency content, and retinal contrast

3:00 Coffee

3:30 Brian Funt

The effect of exposure on MaxRGB color constancy

3:50 Jonathan Philips

Eye tracking apparent gloss: a case study on the impact of dynamic range on rendered surface appearance

4:10 Dawid Tajak

Visual maladaptation in the contrast domain

4:30- 6:00 Interactive Discussion: Image Quality, New Directions in Image Quality, Multi-modal Texture, High Dynamic Range

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Session: Perceptual and Cognitive Experiments in Virtual Environments

Session Chair: Bernice Rogowitz

Thursday, January 21, 2010

9:00 Tetsuri Inoue Effect of foreground images on self-motion induced by immersive display

9:20 Frank Meijer Synthetic environments as visualization method for product design

9:40 Phil Jepson Visualization and sonification of human locomotion data for rehabilitative biofeedback

10:00 Coffee

Session: Cognition, Attention, and Eye-Movements in Image Analysis

Session Chair: Thrasos Pappas

Thursday, January 21, 2010

10:30 Aurélie Lemaitre Interest of perceptive vision for document structure analysis

10:50 Sheikh Faisal Rashid Visual recognition of permuted words

11:10 Amir Teymourian Perception enhancement of moving objects by luminance matching algorithm based on human vision system

11:30 Feng Li Effects of stimulus size and velocity on steady-state smooth pursuit induced by realistic images

11:50 Lunch

Session: Art, Aesthetics and Perception

Session Chair: Christopher Tyler and Hawley Rising

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1:40 PM Stephen E. Palmer, Keynote

Preferences for individual colors: WAVEs of color, culture, music, and emotion

2:20 AM Karen Schloss, UC Berkeley

Aesthetics of color combinations

2:40 Daniel Graham, Dartmouth

Preference and similarity in art

3:00 Coffee

3:20 Adam Gazzaley, UC San Francisco

Top-down and bottom-up influences in nature photography

3:40 Leigh Markopoulos, California College for the Arts

Perceiving the invisible.

4:00 Hawley K. Rising III, Independent consultant

Rendering nothingness: Reality and aesthetics in Haboku landscape for understanding cognition and computer interfaces

4:20 Christopher W. Tyler, Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute

How did Leonardo perceive himself? Metric iconography of da Vinci's self portraits

4:40 David G. Stork, Ricoh Innovations

What computer vision reveals about human perception of art

5:00 – 6:00 Interactive Discussion: Virtual Environments, Attention and Eyemovements, Art, Aesthetics and Perception