About me

I am a Catalan linguist who studies Amazonian languages, with a focus on Panará (Jê family) and Mỹky (isolated). My research combines a descriptive and theoretical approach to language, in particular syntax and morphology, while also focusing on language documentation and revitalization.

I am a FWO senior postdoctoral researcher at Ghent University. In my current project I look at argument marking patterns in the Guaporé-Mamoré region in southern Amazonia.

I have a PhD from the University of Groningen, with a dissertation on case and agreement in Panará (Jê family). Since then, I was a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley on an ELDP project to document Manoki, an endangered variety of Mỹky (isolated), and more recently at Ghent University, with an NWO Rubicon award, where I looked into the notion of subject and grammatical relations in Amazonian languages.  

I have an MA in linguistics from Paris VII (Université Denis Diderot) and a double major in translation and in linguistics from Pompeu Fabra University, in Barcelona. 


May 2024

January 2024

October 2023

June 2023

Upcoming and recent presentations:

4-6 september 2024

Musical documentation as language documentation: the Mỹky jakuli. Language Documentation and Archiving 2024. Berlin.

21-24 august 2024

Triangulating language contact across families: linguistic and ethnomusicological data. 57th Annual Meeting of the SLE. Helsinki.

23-26 july 2024

The resurfacing of Robert Meader's Mỹky/Iranxe legacy materials. 2024 meeting of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA). Barcelona, Catalonia. 

10 june 2024

Revitalització de llengües indígenes a l'Amazònia: un equilibri entre descripció teòrica i documentació. ALLENCAM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona, Catalonia.

4-7 january 2024

Mỹky interlocutor exponence and the syntax of the speech act. LSA Annual meeting, NYC.

Internal and external pressures in Northern Jê morphosyntactic change. SSILA Annual Meeting, NYC.