Client Responsibility
Berlin, Wisconsin USA
Your Responsibilities
• Provide proof of address when you apply and an ID each time you pickup food.
• Provide documentation for each member of your household at application or as soon as possible thereafter (by no later than the third visit).
• Take only what you need. Check your food before you leave.
• Be honest about your household size. Tell us if someone has moved out. When someone joins your household, provide their name, birthdate and bring a copy of their documentation as soon as you can.
• Keep us up to date with your address and contact information.
• Be kind and courteous to everyone while you are here.
• Children are welcome; you are responsible for them while they are here.
• Please don’t talk on your cell phone if you are in the food pantry.
• If you have a concern about something we do or don’t do, please speak to our Volunteer Coordinator in private. We may ask you to leave if your conduct is inappropriate.
• Please do not bring pets, alcohol, drugs or weapons to the pantry with you.
• Notify us immediately if there are any problems with the food we provided.