This is Benjamin (Benni) Weyers' web page, researcher in human computer interaction, virtual reality and computer science.

Short Bio

  • Currently, I am working at University Trier as Assistant Professor for Practical Informatics leading the Human-Computer Interaction group in Trier.

  • From Apr. 2019 until Sept. 2019 I worked as Guest Professor at University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany.

  • From Oct. 2013 until Nov. 2018 I worked as post doc in the Virtual Reality Group at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany in the EU FET Flagship Project "The Human Brain Project".

  • My research interests include formal methods in human computer interaction, especially the use of Petri net-based description concepts and graph transformation systems for modeling flexible and adaptable user interfaces, virtual reality, interactive data analysis and information visualization, collaborative and learning systems, as well as ambient intelligent systems.

  • I studied Applied Computer Science at University of Duisburg-Essen and reached in 2008 the diploma degree (Dipl.-Inform.). In December 2011, I finished my PhD studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen and stayed there until September 2013 as research associate and lecturer. Since October 2013, I am working at RWTH Aachen University on interactive visual analysis research in immersive visualization and virtual reality in context of the EU FET flagship project "The Human Brain Project".

Find me on the Web
