

Managing a Conflict: Optimal Alternative Dispute Resolutions (with Johannes Schneider)  The Rand Journal of Economics,  52(2),  2021,  pp. 415-445

Expectations-Based Loss Aversion in Auctions with Interdependent Values: Extensive vs. Intensive Risk (with Antonio Rosato)  Management Science,  67(2), 2021, pp. 3256-3298 

Persuading to Participate: Coordinating on a Standard (with Johannes Schneider )    International Journal of Industrial Organization, 78, 2021, 102764 IJIO Best Paper Award (Best Theoretical Paper 2021)

Dutch vs. First-Price Auctions with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Bidders (with Antonio Rosato and Jonas von Wangenheim ) Journal of Economic Theory,  205,2022, 105545

Mechanism Design with Informational Punishment  (with Johannes Schneider) Games and Economic Behavior 

Working Papers

Belief Management in Conflict Resolution  (with Johannes Schneider) (revision in progress, old version: PDF )

Collusion in Auctions: An Informed Principal's Perspective   PDF 

Never Say Never: Optimal Exclusion and Reserve Prices with Expectations-Based Loss-Averse Buyers   (with Antonio Rosato) PDF  (revise and resubmit at the Journal of Economic Theory)

Mechanism Design with Endogenous Perception (with Benjamin Young) PDF 

Work in Progress

Contextual Information (preliminary, with Benjamin Young

Enhancing out-of-court settlement with behavioral litigants (preliminary)