"2024 Exemplary Editor", IEEE Communications Letters.
Paper “Energy-Efficiency with Massive MIMO MU-NOMA in Symbiotic BackCom IoT Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, now available on IEEE Xplore.
Appointed as Editor on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Communications Letters, January 2024.
Call for Papers: IEEE Workshop on Scalable and Trustworthy AI for 6G Wireless Networks (6GSTRAIN), 28 May - 01 June 2023, Rome, Italy.
[Co-located with the IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2023)].
Paper “Fresnel Line-of-Sight Probability with Applications in Airborne Platform-Assisted Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, now available on IEEE Xplore.
Paper “New Trends in Stochastic Geometry for Wireless Networks: A Tutorial and Survey”, Proceedings of the IEEE, now available on IEEE Xplore.