

"Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data," forthcoming, Journal of Econometric Methods. [R code for MLE]

"Can Charitable Appeals Identify and Exploit Belief Heterogeneity?" (with Michalis Drouvelis), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2022, 198: 631-649.

“Is the Supply of Charitable Donations Fixed? Evidence from Deadly Tornadoes” (with Tatyana Deryugina), American Economic Review: Insights, 2021, 3(3): 383-398.

"Dimensions of Donation Preferences: the Structure of Peer and Income Effects" (with Michalis Drouvelis), Experimental Economics, 2020, 24(1) 274-302.

"Paralysis by Analysis? Effects of Information on Student Loan Take-up" (with Lesley J. Turner), Economics of Education Review, 2020, 77: article 102010. Previously circulated as "Student Loan Choice Overload," 2019 NBER Working Paper #25905.

“ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare” (with Jeffrey T. Denning and Lesley J. Turner). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2019, 11(3): 193-224.

“Student Loan Nudges: Experimental Evidence on Borrowing and Educational Attainment” (with Lesley J. Turner), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2019, 11(2): 108-141.

"Borrowing Trouble? Human Capital Investment with Opt-In Costs and Implications for the Effectiveness of Grant Aid" (with Lesley J. Turner). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2018, 10(2):163-201. [Online Appendix]

"The Charitable Response to a Non-Directed Matching Gift" Chapter 6 in The Economics of Philanthropy, eds. Kimberley Scharf and Mirco Tonin, MIT Press, August 2018.

"Prosociality Spillovers of Working with Others" (with Michalis Drouvelis), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018, 155: 205-216.

"Has Regulation of Charitable Foundations Thrown the Baby Out With the Bath Water?" Journal of Public Economics, September 2015, 129: 63-76.

Working Papers

"The Windfall-Income Donation Norm" (with Michalis Drouvelis and Adam Isen), 2019 CESifo Working Paper No. 7961

"Optimizing Policy Notches: Theory and Evidence from a Reporting Requirement for Charities," previously circulated as "The Cost of Requiring Charities to Report Financial Information," 2019 MPRA Paper #88660

"Objectives of Charitable Foundation Donors and Managers: Evidence from States' Adoption of Model Acts" (with Cesare Buiatti and Brian Galle)

"Short-Run Effects of Student Loan Offers on Educational Attainment, Credit, and Earnings" (with Lesley J. Turner). AEA Registry

"Subsidizing Investment in Poor Neighborhoods: Effects of the New Markets Tax Credits"

"Welfare Effects of Changes in College Pricing" (with Jeffrey T. Denning and Lesley J. Turner)

Work in Progress

"Nonprofit Employers in the United States"

"When Do Transfers Respond to Need? Evidence from Natural Disasters" (with Tatyana Deryugina)

Non-Refereed Papers

"Attainment Effects of Student Loans and Pell Grants" (with Lesley J. Turner), AEA Papers & Proceedings, 2019, 109: 223-226

“To Roth or Not – That is the Question” (with Laurence Kotlikoff & David Rapson), NBER Working Paper #13763, January 2008

“Americans’ Dependency on Social Security" (with Laurence Kotlikoff & Pietro Rizza), NBER Working Paper #12696, November 2006