ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS                                                                                                              

Associate Professor of Economics, Ozyegin University** 2021 - present

Assistant Professor of Economics, Ozyegin University 2011 - 2021                                                             

Teaching Assistant / Instructor, New York University 2007 – 2011                                                               


New York University, Ph.D. in Economics                                                                                         2005 - 2011                      

New York University , M.A. in Economics                                                                                         2005 - 2008                                           

Middle East Technical UniversityB.S. in Mathematics                                                           2000 - 2005                      


RESEARCH INTERESTS                                                                                                                      

Decision Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Game Theory


Games with Switching Costs and Endogenous References (with M. Richter), forthcoming, Theoretical Economics (2022), 17, 617-650

Collaborative versus Independent Fundraising: Understanding the Role of Information (with C. Eckel and N. Uler), European Economic Review (2020), 127, 103476 (Media Coverage: The Chronicle of Philanthropy)

Costly Switching from a Status Quo (with M. Richter), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2018), 156, 55-70

Aspiration-Based Choice (with M. Richter and M. Tsur), Journal of Economic Theory (2018), 176, 935-956

An Experiment on Aspiration-Based Choice (with M. Richter), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2015), 119, 512-526

A Theory of Iterative Choice in Lists, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2014), 53, 26-32

WORKING PAPERS                                                                                                                            

Who Should Set Goals: Employers or Workers? (with Basak Altan and Neslihan Uler)

How to Increase Contributions in Partnerships: An Experimental Study of Surplus Sharing (with A. Kibris and O. Kibris)

Aspiration-Based Choice with Initial Endowments  (with M. Richter)

TEACHING EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                    

Advanced Microeconomics, Ozyegin University 2022 - present

Game Theory, Ozyegin University                                                                                                             2020 - 2021

Experimental Economics, Ozyegin University                                                  2013 - present

Microeconomics, Ozyegin University                                                                    2011 - present

Economic Principles I, New York University                                   2008 - 2010 

Economic Principles II, New York University                                  2007 - 2011

SELECTED AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS                                                                                         

Hakan Orbay Research Award for Young Researchers                                                                 2021

Science Academy's Young Scientist Award (BAGEP)                                                                      2021

1001 Grant, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey                                 2018 - 2020

1002 Grant, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey                                 2017 - 2018

3501 Career Grant, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey                2013 - 2015

Dean’s Travel Grant, New York University                                                                                             2011

Russell Sage Foundation Grant in Behavioral Economics                                                             2010

Henry MacCracken Fellowship, New York University                                                                    2005 - 2009

Supplemental Summer Fellowship, New York University                                                             2006 - 2007

Dean’s Supplementary Fellowship Grant, New York University                                               2005 - 2006                         

Highest GPA in the Department of Mathematics, Middle East Technical University    2001 - 2005

Dean’s High Honors List, Middle East Technical University                                                         2001 - 2005      

ACADEMIC PRESENTATIONS                                                                               

2011 : University of British Columbia, University of Oslo, University of Barcelona, Royal Economic  Society (RES) Meeting in London, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Munich, Ozyegin University, Bilkent University, Bogazici University, Middle East Technical University, TOBB-ETU, Bahcesehir University

2012 : University of Liverpool, North American ESA Meetings

2013 : University of Southern California, 4th Murat Sertel Workshop, Crash Course in Choice Theory and Experiments at Bilgi University, IMEBE Conference 

2015 : TOBB-ETU, Middle East Technical University, 1st Turkish Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Ozyegin University, Sabanci University, All-Istanbul Workshop, ASFEE 2015, Conference on Economic Design, Econometric Society World Congress 

2016 : Bilkent University, 2nd Turkish Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics

2017 : CESS 15th Anniversary Conference at NYU, The Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory and Applications, OzU Business Faculty Brown Bag Seminar 

2018: 4th Turkish Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics

2019: ITU Brown Bag Seminar, The 5th Turkish Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, The 39th Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design

2021: The 40th Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design

2022: Sabanci University, Koc University, The 41th Bosphorus Workshop on Economic Design


**I received Associate Professorship from the Council of Higher Education in Turkey in 2019.