Listed are quizzes and 'samplers' that I have given away for free to customers. These are available only through contacting me (Beeb Carter) in-world in Second Life. If you are a past customer or are currently purchasing one of my quizzes from MP, just drop me an IM in-world and I will send you a copy. Be sure to tell me which one you are requesting.

Please, one free trivia per request/per purchase.

1. Autism Trivia

2. Towel Day (Dr Who)

3. Tarzan

4. Roman Numerals

5. Disney

6. Jeopardy!

7. Beeb's Rock/Pop Sampler

8. Beeb's Xmas Sampler

9. Beeb's Sampler Jan. 2019

10. Beeb's Sampler July 2018

11. Aladdin 1992

12. Alice in Wonderland

13. Motorcycles

14. Rain & Weather

15. Beeb's Sampler August 2019

16. Beeb's Sampler Sept. 2019

17. Remembrance (Veterans) Day

18. Fairy Tales 1

19. Fairy Tales 2

20. Pairs & Sidekicks

21. Toys

22. Michael Jackson

23. Toys

24. School