
  • Аналог формули Келлi-Сильвестра та ряд Пуанкаре кільця iнварiантiв тернарної форми, УМЖ, том 62, №11, 2010, 1561--1570

  • Ряди Пуанкаре алгебр iнварiантiв бiнарної i тернарної форм, Наукові записки НАУКМА, Том 113. Фiзико-математичнi науки, -- 2011, с.7-12.

  • The Poincaré series of the covariants of binary forms, International Journal of Algebra, Vol. 4, 2010, no. 25, 1201 - 1207

  • (with Guose Xin), MacMahon Partition Analysis and the Poincaré series of the algebras of invariants of ternary and quaternary forms, Linear and Multilinear Algebra.--2011.--V.59.--№7.--P.789--799

  • Semi-invariants of binary forms and identities for Bernoulli, Euler and Hermite polynomials, Acta Arith. 151 (2012), 361-376

  • Multivariate Poincar\'e series for algebras of $SL_2$-invariants,С.R. Acad. Bulg. Sci, Vol. 64, No 6, 2011,p.807-814


  • The bivariate Poincar\'e series for the algebra of covariants of a binary form, ISRN Algebra, 2011

  • Локальні гомоморфізми модулярних алгебр Лі типу Картана, Мат. Студії.-2011. - Т.35, №2, - С.115-120

  • Weitzenböck derivations and the classical invariant theory, II: The symbolic method/L. Bedratyuk// Serdica Math. J.–2011.–V.37.–№2.–P.87–106.

  • A note about invariants of algebraic curves, ALBANIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Volume 6, Number 1, Pages 3-8, 2012.

  • A Note About Invariant Polynomial Transformations of Integer Sequences, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 15 (2012),Article 12.7.3

  • Derivations and Identities for Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials,Fibonacci Quart. 51 (2013), no. 4, 351–366.

  • Диференціювання та тотожності для многочленів Кравчука, Український математичний журнал, (2013) т.65,№12, с.1587-1603.

  • (with N. Ilash) The degree of the algebra of covariants of a binary form, Journal of Commutative Algebra, Vol.7, Number 4, 2015, 459-472

  • ( with А. Brouwer) Resolutions and Betti diagrams of algebras of SL2-invariants, Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences,Tome 67, No 11, 2014, p.1477-1484.

  • A NEW FORMULA FOR THE GENERATING FUNCTION OF THE NUMBERS OF SIMPLE GRAPHS Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences,Tome 69, No 3, 2016, p.259-268.

  • The star sequence and the general first Zagreb index MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry,Volume 79 (2018), number 2, pp. 407-414

  • ( with N. Luno) Intertwining maps for the Weitzenb\"ock and Chebyshev derivations, Matematychni Studii, Vol. 49, No.1, 2018, p. 3-12, doi:10.15330/ms.49.1.3-12

  • The inverse and derivative connecting problems for some Hypergeometric polynomials, Carpathian Math. Publ. 2018, 10 (2), 235–247 doi: 10.15330/cmp.10.2.235-247.

  • The Double Star Sequences and the General Second Zagreb Index, Matematychni Studii, Vol. 51, No.2, 2019, 115-123

  • 2D moment invariants from the point of view of the classical invariant theory, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 62(8), 2020, 1062-1075 doi:10.1007/s10851-020-00954-9

  • ( with N. Luno) Some properties of generalized hypergeometric Appell polynomials, Carpathian Math. Publ. 2020, Т.12, No 1, С.129–137, doi:10.15330/cmp.12.1.10-18

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