
Welcome to Beaverton High School SWIMMING, a winter sport in the Beaverton School District!

We are excited to be back at the Beaverton Swim Center this season, starting in November 2023.

BHS Athletics Page - Registration and General Info      
Registration for athletics is done online if you attend BHS or one of the option schools.
Contact the athletic office if do not attend a Beaverton School District school.


For the 2023/2024 season, the Head Coach for Beaverton is Chris Gerber. He can be reached here: chrisg284599@gmail.com.
Coaches Assistant- Meet Coordinator: Joe Schoen can be reached here: joe.schoen@comcast.net.

About The Coach: I have been with the BHS swim program for seven years now, with an additional four as a swimmer for the team. I am very excited to see everyone back in the water this year as we try to work our way back to a more normalized schedule after a couple of wild COVID years. A quick note for everyone: I am a full time student at PSU living on campus, my commute should never get in the way but I bring it up so everyone is aware that if my email response time falls a bit behind you know I will be on top of it as soon as I can. My goals for this season are to start rebuilding our swim community as our team size, and family involvement have dropped behind what I want to see. On my end I will be trying to develop a system and coaching staff that given the changes in coach availability we have seen these last couple of years we will always have some continuity year to year. I am a huge fan of student involvement and will be pushing for our team captains to take an active leadership role in fostering the team for the years to come. I am so glad to be getting the opportunity to work with so many excellent students and families. 

2023-2024 Preseason Info: To Be Announced If you have questions for Chris reach out via email, and if more than two days have passed without a response please send a follow up as he is a full time student during the season. Questions on registration and physicals can be sent to the athletic office at BHS.

Welcome to the Beaverton High School Swim Team. Thank you for choosing swimming as your winter sport. It is the goal of this program to provide you with an opportunity to reach your potential as a student/athlete. Every member of the team is valuable to the success of the program. Swimming requires a strong work ethic, dedication to excellence and a positive attitude. There are no “bench warmers” in swimming, which gives each team member an opportunity to compete in every swim meet. Personal improvement should always be the goal of each swimmer and the coaching staff is dedicated to that end! We are looking forward to this season!


General Team Policies/Information

Varsity Lettering Policy


Swim Meets:  In order for us to run our home meets efficiently we will need parents to volunteer to fill the positions listed below. No experience is necessary. Meets this year will be on January 5th @Beaverton (3-5pm), 12th @50 Meter (8-10pm), 19th @50 Meter (8-10pm), 28th @50 Meter (4:30-6:30pm) and February 2nd @Beaverton (3-5pm).  Districts will be on February 10th and 11th so please mark your calendars in advance. We apologize for the multiple times and locations, pool space has been very limited this year (All of this information will be on the calendar). Thank you in advance for your support.   

1.      Head Timer: This person assists the other timers. They have two watches running during a race in case someone has a watch malfunction.

2.      12 Timers: We are required to have 2 timers per lane. This is a great opportunity to have a front row seat at the meets. It involves starting and stopping a stopwatch and recording the swimmer’s time on their entry card.  No experience needed. We will train!

3.      1 Runner: This person picks up the entry cards from the timers after each race and takes them to the scorer’s table for tabulation.

4.      1-2 Score Keepers: This person(s) keeps score for both teams involved in the meet. Sorts the entry cards and returns them to the respective teams.

5.      Starter, announcer and stroke/ turn officials: Any parent who is a certified US Official is urged to fill these positions.  However, if any parent has any experience in these areas, your help would be greatly appreciated. Contact the head coach if you can help.