Sue Beauclerc

Kahurangi, 2008

I was born in Birmingham, England in 1942 and emigrated to New Zealand with my family in 1952. I am a trained primary school teacher and ordained Anglican priest. I worked for 15 years at StMatthew's Collegiate School, Masterton as school chaplain, English and RE teacher and guidance counsellor. I am now semi-retired, work part time as an assistant priest at the Anglican Church of the Epiphany in Masterton, and am part of an ecumenical team that organises services at Gladstone Church.

Three of my four children, Andrew, Christine and Juliet Stewart, live in the Wairarapa. My eldest daughter, Margaret Stewart, lives in Christchurch. I have nine grandchildren - Hannah, Amelia, Scott, Anika, Charlotte, Jorja, Stephen, Hazel and Oliver.

I continue to research my family history with varying degrees of success:

  • Russells from Birmingham and Shropshire.

  • Parrys from Birmingham and Brecon.

  • Toys/Tyes from Birmingham, Nottinghamshire and Ireland.

  • Hortons/Ortons from Plymouth.

  • Kirbys from Birmingham.

  • Beauclerc/Bethell from London and Bath.

  • Sayers from Wiltshire and Somerset.