AI-FML Blocks / AIoT

Web:Bit AI-FML Blocks/ AIoT

By surfing on the web, you will find a template of blocks below.

▪ The followings are available blocks on the Web:Bit website. FML-related blocks include logic (邏輯), math (數學), expansion (擴充功能), and Kebbi (凱比機器人)

Select block logic(邏輯)


Pull block “If …Do” into the blocks

Click on a gear icon.

Some blocks will be appeared.

Select block elseif (否則如果) and move it to the place below block “if (如果)”.

▪ Take Tips Payment for an example. There are 3 output fuzzy variables.

Choose blocks elseif (否則如果) and if (否則) and move them to suitable places.

Select the second block from block logic (邏輯)

Pull it into the block, click on the drop-down menu, and choose icon “<

Select block expansion(擴充功能), broadcast (網路廣播), and then received broadcast(收到的廣播訊息)

Pull it into block

Select the first block from block math(數學)

Pull it into block

Fill 3.5 in block math (數學).

The first 「if」(如果) denotes “< 3.5” is 低(low).

Fill 6.5 in block math (數學).

The second block 「else if」(否則如果) denotes that “<6.5” is 中(medium).

Repeat previous action and fill 6.5 in block math (數學).

We design FML Kebbi using blocks do, else if, and else.

Block expansion(擴充功能) for robot Kebbi

In the first block “do”, we use specific Kebbi blocks including blocks light (燈光), voice (聲音), and animation (動畫表演), to control the robot to action when the output fuzzy variable is low(低).

In the second block “do” , we use blocks light, voice and animation to control the robot to action when the output fuzzy variable is medium(中). In the second block “else” , we use blocks light, voice and animation to control the robot to action when the output fuzzy variable is high(高)