
MK and AG:

You are getting to the age where you need to be on a schedule.

Being on a schedule is important for the reasons below:

- you will not have mom and dad yelling at you

- you will be less stressed

- you will be happier

- you will be more organized

- you will get paid

Your schedule is below, please read carefully and follow.


Mom and Dad



(check off as you complete, this will be posted on refrigerator)


- Put trash away daily, empty when trash cans are full then replace trash bag

o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

- Give both babies bath’s

o Sunday around 7:00 pm

- Wash face at night before bed

o Sunday, Tuesday Thursday

- Take shower 3 days a week

o Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

- Do Homework/Show us your homework

o Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

- Clean Room

o Saturday

- Get up at 6:15 am (set alarm!)

o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

- In bed by 10:00 pm

o Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


- Clean dishes in sink then put them in dishwasher

o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

- Run dishwasher when full

- When dishwasher stops, put dishes away

- Wash face at night before bed

o Sunday, Tuesday Thursday

- Take shower 3 days a week

o Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

- Do Homework/Show us your homework

o Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

- Clean Room

o Saturday

- Get up at 6:15 am (set alarm!)

o Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

- In bed by 10:00 pm

o Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

PAYMENT: Each Sunday in the amount of $ ________________ dollars (if ALL of the above is complete)




1) No complaining or arguing about your chores.

2) Mom and Dad shouldn’t have to tell you to do your chores.

3) If you do not do your chores you will be punished by one or more of the following:

o Not get paid

o Phone taken away for 1 week AND/OR more “Benefits” taken away

o Will have to run sprints at the soccer fields

Printed - April 2018