Watchman to Watchman

(This article is based on the responses of Watchmen who attended the WOW Fellowship of April 3, 2011.)

Your fellow Watchmen have some things they wish to share with you. First, they want to share some of their favorite passages from the Word of God. By memorizing and meditating on these and others, we may learn…

…that our great God made each of us (Psalm 139:14).

…that our Lord is the Creator of all things, and yet He set it all aside, became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1).

…that our God loves us and gave us the greatest gift (John 3:16).

…that we are to live for Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20).

…that we are to serve (Isaiah 6:8).

…that in Jesus Christ, we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

…that Christ gives us strength to do and endure all things (Philippians 4:13).

…the true meaning of love (1 Corinthians 13)

…that our Lord is our Comfort, our guide and our constant companion (Psalm 23).

…about wisdom (Psalm 32:8) and how to Obtain it (James 1:5)

…that our desire is for God (Psalm 42:1)

…to trust on God (Proverbs 3:5-6; Proverbs 1:33)

…that we are not to worry (Matthew 6:34), but to ask of God and receive His peace (Philippians 4:6-7).

…that God is working in all things (Romans 8:28)

And they also have for us some wonderful affirmations of their faith.

· "Jesus Saves," which is based on Acts 4:10-12, Romans 10:13 and John 14:6.

· "Jesus Never Fails," which one might infer in Scripture by reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a and substituting "Jesus" for "love."

Second, they want to share their praise and thanks to God for just some of the prayers that He has answered.

…praise for God's leading of our interim pastor Dan Griffin and his wife Marilyn.

…praise that we have a new pastor!

…praise that mercy was and is being shown to my many beloved family members.

…praise that the results of my mom's second test were better than the first, and that she did not require surgery.

…praise for Amy Newman's brother, Tim, getting better and returning to work.

…praise that Kelly Ussery is home from the hospital.

…praise for the recovery of Justin Scarle.

…praise that Karen Alford has picked up a new direction for her ministry.

…praise that Ally Thomas is attending Samford University.

…blessings for all of Bayshore.

…praise for answered prayers about my family.

…praise for answered prayers about my family and business.

...there have been so many!

Finally, your fellow Watchmen ask you to please be in prayer about the following concerns.

· For our new pastor and his family.

· Housing for the new pastor's family.

· For our new pastor’s previous church.

· For acceptance of our new pastor by our congregation.

· For compatibility of the new pastor and the staff.

· Encouragement for our ministers.

· For unity at Bayshore.

· For growth in Sunday School attendance.

· For improvement in the Children's division.

· Encouragement for ALL age groups to get involved at Bayshore.

· For the church building, its improvements, and its maintenance.

· For Julia Darby.

· For Elizabeth (Missy) Meadows, who opened her new office in Atlanta intending to treat all who come her way.

· For peace in the world, and prayers for our soldiers.

· For the prayer ministry Operation Rolling Thunder.

--Jimmy Thomas