How To Join
There are a number of membership levels available depending on how the member wants to participate. If you are a member of another rowing club, you can transfer to our club (Rowing NSW only allows membership to one club for regatta competitions). Memberships include adult and junior competitive rowing and recreational rowing for all ages at Chifley Dam (no racing).
There is a minimum age requirement of 12 years of age. You must be able to swim a minimum distance of 50 metres in light clothing (rowing attire), tread water for 2 minutes and swim underwater for 5 metres. (This is a condition of Rowing Australia and the Central Tablelands Rowing Club Inc).
We are currently relaunching the club after a 2 year hiatus following our successful open day on Sun 27 Sep 2020. We have a group of interested rowers and are planning to set up training sessions after we have enough personel to coach the beginners. If you are interested in joining, send your details and any rowing experience to
Rowers have to read the Health and Safety Manual and COVID Safe Plan as part of their membership.
Fees for 2022/2023 rowing season
Recreational Member $180 (including Rowing NSW insurance)
Persons who join to support the Central Tableland’s Rowing Club and DO NOT WISH TO COMPETE (recreational rowing only).
Senior Member $237.75 (including Rowing NSW insurance)
Persons over the age of 18 years who join with the intention to COMPETE IN REGATTAS for the Central Tableland’s Rowing Club Inc.
Junior Member $211.50 (including Rowing NSW insurance)
Persons under the age of 18 years who join with the intention to COMPETE IN REGATTAS for the Central Tableland’s Rowing Club.
Kayaker $50 (including Rowing NSW Supporters Membership)
Persons who wish to be club members but DO NOT intend to row buy kayak instead.
Supporter $30 (including Rowing NSW Supporters Membership)
Persons who with to be club members, but DO NOT intend to row.
Fees are due in July each year. Memberships are paid to CTRC as ONE payment now.
Club Banking Details: (Put NAME etc in description on payment transfers)
Greater Building Society
Central Tablelands Rowing Club Inc.
BSB 637 000
Account Number 720034328
Rowing NSW membership is compulsory to enable the member to have insurance whilst rowing on the water.
Rowing boats and motor boats (tinnies) should follow the arrow directions according to the map below (standard nautical navigation protocol).