BATCH2L -- Summer 2024

 Batch Zoom                                Critical Value Tables

Click Link for Your Class:

Statistics  or Research Methods   or Corrections

  Published Article Example to use as Model for your Paper     Critical Value Tables:  Download

Sample topics for paper:

Political topics:  Sentencing reform, war on crime, war on drugs, truth in sentencing, three strikes you’re out, mandatory minimum sentences, abolish parole, prison overcrowding, get-tough legislation, effectiveness of treatment programs, recidivism rates, etc.

Prison population demographic topics:  Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2016,  racial discrimination in parole eligibility, sentencing disparity, changes in sentencing laws, sentencing guidelines, prison construction boom, cost of incarceration, cost of alternatives to incarceration, discrimination in death-row populations, etc. 

Stu Batchelder is: 

1 High-Powered Professor of Criminal Justice 

2. Past-President: Criminal Justice Association of Georgia

3.  Director of CJ-Undergraduate Research

4.   Master Faculty Advisor

5.   Humble Jazz Guitarist

If you were invited to join the Criminal Justice Honor Society Alpha Phi Sigma (APS)

Venmo: @BatchAlpha


Declared Criminal Justice major

Completed a minimum of 12 Credit Hours in four UPPER LEVEL Criminal Justice courses

Completed a minimum of 40 credit hours overall

Maintain a 3.2 GPA cumulative

Maintain a 3.2 GPA in Criminal Justice classes

Deadline to submit Application:  15 Oct 2024

To Download application: a) click Here    
b)  After the screen shows you a preview, Click "Download" icon in the upper left area

c)  This puts the application into your "downloads" folder.  Go to your downloads folder, open file, fill out application; save to desktop as you go along.  Attach as email to Batch

If you need extra help, Criminal Justice Honor Society Alpha Phi Sigma National Website: CJ Honor Society            

UNG’s 29th Annual Research Conference submission portal is now accepting abstracts  (See conference info below)


Professional Meeting opportunities at which you can present a paper Spring 2024:

CURCA is pleased to announce that UNG’s 29th Annual Research Conference submission portal is now accepting abstracts at:  We invite students from all campuses to submit an abstract to present their research and creative projects to the wider UNG community. All disciplines are included, and students can present proposed, ongoing, or completed projects. Students may choose to either do a poster, a podium presentation (oral presentation) or a performance. Both undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to apply. This year, the Annual Research Conference will be held at the Martha T. Nesbitt building on the Gainesville campus, on March 29th, from 9 am to 3 pm. Full information on our ARC page.




CURCA will also be hosting virtual workshops to help students prepare their abstracts and their presentations. The abstract writing workshop will take place on February 7th at 12pm, and the conference presentation workshop will take place on March 6th at 12 pm. Both workshops will take place via Zoom: 


Any questions can be directed to 


Hope to see you there! 



Diogo Pinheiro and The CURCA Team 

Research Conference:

Dahlonega Campus Convocation Center on Friday, March 24, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. 

submit a 250-word abstract by February 17, 2023.

Submit your abstract proposal on NOIR:

ARC 2023 Submission Instructions Transcript

Apply for the Annual Research Conference 2023

Abstract Tips

Your abstract will be 250-words and include the following information:


CURCA will hold two workshops via the Zoom Meeting software (room: ) to help students prepare for the conference.


These Links can be used to augment your research in this class:

(1)  Link to the FBI UCR “Crime in the United States:”  

FBI Uniform Crime Report 2017  (Full complete data)

FBI Uniform Crime Report 2019  (Limited preliminary data)

(2)   Link to Georgia Department of Corrections: 

Georgia DOC Homepage

(3)  Link to the Bureau of Justice Statistics:

   Bureau of Justice Statistics -- Corrections 

(4)  Link to National Prison Data:

Total prison and jail population United States: 1980 - 2008 

Films On Demand:

(Copy of) Click the class in which you are currently enrolled

 Research Methods                  Juvenile Justice

Statistics           Corrections