
I tweet about most of my readings, so follow me!

However, it is sometimes hard to prioritize what I find extremely interesting from the rest on Twitter, so here is a collection of noticeable readings or talks of the past few years.

Discussion of Kathryn Paige Harden's book: The Genetic Lottery, by Prof Michael Thomas, neuroscientist at Birkbeck.

Really fascinating talk by Nathan Nunn at ASSA 2022 on a topic that I particularly enjoy: cultural evolution 

Eye-opening totally non technical talk by Bob Aumann on rule-rationality at CORE, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Fascinating pair of books on cultural evolution by Harvard Professor Joe Henrich: The Secret of our Success, followed by The WEIRDest People in the World. Here is a 15-minute summary video of his argument:

Recent academic readings in no particular order:

Keep an eye on the latest issue on the Journal of Demographic Economics!

Non-academic (recent and planned):

You may get an idea of my reading habits looking at my goodreads page.

Not all TED Talks are of the same quality. Here are a few that are outstanding:

Feel free to suggest academic (or not) readings of interest by email!