
The life journey with my cat Duncan and years of research and work connected with the goddess Bast of ancient Egypt has connected me with many others whose lives have been touched by felines big and small. This list of friends and acquaintances all have one thing in common, a love of the earth and of the creatures who tread upon it - especially cats!


Alex Langstone

Ancient Circles

Ascension of Isis Mystery School

Ash Magazine Archive

Auset Gypsy

Bast, Cat Goddess of Ancient Egypt

Bernard Zenon Michalak (Alchemy in Glass)

Church of the Gnosis

Circle of Pelagia

Controversial Bookstore

Council of British Druid Orders

Crystal Lotus

Danu Forest

Druid Grove of Bega

Elfkat's Live Journal

Facets of Avalon

Fellowship of Isis Online Directory

Fellowship of Isis - Utah

Friends of Bride's Mound

Goddess Alive

Goddess Temple of Orange County

Granny Rainbow

Greece for Visitors (Secular travel site by deTraci Regula)

Grove Argentum

Huntington Castle (Non-FOI related events and tours)

Intuitive Medium Services (Rev. Rain Graves)

Iseum of Marishtara Isis

Iseum of the Nubian Moon

Iseum Rosa de Gaia e Mahina Lyceum

Iseum of the Tao of Isis

Isiscraft Catalog

Isis-House Publishing

Isis, Lotus of Alexandria Lyceum

Isis Oasis Sanctuary

Isis of the Stars

Karen Tate

Knot of Isis

Lady of the Flame Iseum

Lady of the Lake Inc.

Le'ema Kathleen Graham - Goddess Work


Long Beach WomanSpirit

Loyal Arthurian Warband

Lucifer Bridge Poetry

Lyceum of The Muse Of Isis

Mary K. Greer Tarot School

Mirror of Isis

Morgaine's Mab Magic

Mystical Voyages

Open Secret Bookshop

Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

Parish of Clonegal

Philip Carr-Gomm


Shrine of Mary Magdalene

Spirit of Albion

Spirit of Albion Books

Starfire Publishing

Temple of Isis (Community Website)

Temple of Isis - Los Angeles

Temple of Isis - Utah

Temple of Nuit

Treadwells Magical Bookshop

Tree of Life Metaphysical Books and Gifts

Urban Witch

Fellowship of Isis:

The Fellowship of Isis is a multi-faith, multi-racial, and multi-cultural organization.

Fellowship of Isis Central: The official central website.

Official FOI Newsletter: Isian News

Facebook Page: Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News Page.

FOI Germany

Fellowship of Isis Utah