
Bast, Cat Goddess of Ancient Egypt

Her Myths, Magic and Mysteries


"There are many deities in ancient Egypt who had a leonine form and a few who were associated with cats. But when anyone mentions cats and ancient Egypt there is one deity who always comes to mind, and that is the goddess Bast, Mistress of Bubastis and Lady of the Beautiful East. This book is her story." - Linda Iles


Bast is sometimes dismissed as a minor deity of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. She has been misunderstood and misrepresented. But no longer. In this groundbreaking book, Bast is revealed as divine creatrix, healer, giver of life, queen of heaven, powerful ally and protector.


The materials presented in "Bast, Cat Goddess of Ancient Egypt" are the result of twelve years spent in researching this wonderful goddess. The book places Bast in her rightful place, at the center of the most profound ancient Egyptian mysteries of creation, life and rebirth.


Learn the story of Bast from her origins in predynastic Egypt to her influence in the present day. Read this book and you will never look at Bast - or cats - in the same way again!  Published by Isis-House Publishing, October 2012. 394 pages, including glossary, listing of ancient Egyptian words and phrases and index. $24.95


Within these pages you will find:


- Her role in the cosmology, religious thought and myths of ancient Egypt.


- Bast's associations with other deities and sacred centers in ancient Egypt and beyond.


- Names of the other deities venerated in her temple at Per-Bast (Bubastis).


- A list and description of fifty-six other ancient Egyptian feline deities.


- Colors, stones, plants and symbols associated with Bast by the ancient Egyptians.


- Detailed information on the ceremonies, feast days and processional  festivals of Bast.


- Hymns and offerings based on ancient Egyptian texts for a morning rite to Bast.


- Bast's unique relationship with the royal house of Egypt.


- Her designation as Queen of Heaven and her place in the sky according to ancient Egyptian theology.


- Special rites of welcome, healing and blessing for the modern day.

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