Curriculum Vitae

Francesco Bartolucci was born on July 6, 1972. In 1995, he graduated in Economics from the University of Perugia, where he subsequently earned a Doctorate in “Statistical and Mathematical Methods for the Economic and Social Research” in 1999.

Since November 2007 he is a Full Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Perugia (title of Full Professor acquired in February 2005), where he teaches a basic course of Statistics for undergraduate students and an advanced course on regression methods for graduate students. From November 2007 to July 2012 he coordinated the PhD program in “Mathematical and Statistical Methods for the Economic and Social Sciences” at the University of Perugia (Department of Economics, Finance, and Statistics). He is also a member of the Academic Board of the PhD program in “Econometrics and Empirical Economics” at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (coordinated by Prof. Peracchi). He has taught several courses of Statistics, on generalized linear models, latent variable models, and analysis of longitudinal data, to students enrolled in these PhD programs and to those enrolled in the teaching programs for graduate students of the “Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance” (Rome).

He was a member of the Group of Evaluation Experts (GEV) that will manage the Evaluation of the Quality of Research (VQR), for the period 2004-2010, within the ANVUR institution for the subjects of Economics and Statistics.

Previously, he was an Assistant Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Perugia (from September 2001 to September 2002), Associate Professor of Statistics in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Urbino (from October 2002 to October 2005) and in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Perugia (from November 2005 to October 2007).

In 1997, Francesco Bartolucci was a visiting student at the University of Sheffield and in 2000 he was a visiting scholar at the Penn State University (invited by Prof. B.G. Lindsay), where he also taught a course on Regression Methods for graduate students. From December 1998 to August 2001 he was a Research Assistant in the Department of Statistics at the University of Perugia within the research project on “Graphical Models with Latent Variables and Stochastic Ordering Constraints”.

Francesco Bartolucci's primary research interests are on:

  • longitudinal data analysis;
  • mixture and latent variable models;
  • marginal models for categorical data;
  • optimization and Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms.

He has introduced several methodological advances on these topics, which have been published in top international Statistical and Econometric journals (Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - series B, Econometrica) and presented at many international conferences, often in the form of invited talks. The results of this research activity have been also presented within many seminars held in several Italian and foreign Universities. The methodological advances have been carried out together with the development of relevant applications concerning labor market, education, health, and criminal data, often with a perspective of causal analysis and evaluation of policies and treatments. He is developing this research activity jointly with many younger researchers. The opportunity to collaborate with younger researchers is due in part to his role as Coordinator of a PhD program at the University of Perugia and to his membership to the Academic Board of the PhD program at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (see PhD programs mentioned above).

Reflective of the high standard of his research, Francesco Bartolucci is frequently called upon to serve as a Referee for the top international journals of Statistics. In addition, he serves as an Associate Editor of “Statistical Modelling”, “Metron”, and served as an Associate Editor of “Statistical Methods and Applications”. He also served as a Reviewer for the “Committee for the Evaluation of Research” (CIVR) for research products published in the period 2001-03. Moreover, he participated and participates in many research projects, including the following PRIN grants funded by the Italian Government:

  • PRIN 2002: “Statistical model for stochastic orderings with social and health applications” (coordinator Prof. A. Forcina);
  • PRIN 2003: “Inference under uncertainty conditions on the model, with specific applications” (coordinator Prof. W. Racugno);
  • PRIN 2005: “Marginal models for categorical variables with applications to causal analysis (coordinator Prof. G. Consonni);
  • PRIN 2007: “Graphical models, latent class models, and models for longitudinal data: methodological developments and applications in education and health” (coordinator Prof. G. Consonni).

He is the Principal Investigator of the research project “Mixture and latent variable models for causal inference and analysis of socio-economic data” (FIRB 2012 - “Futuro in ricerca” - Italian Government). He has been the Principal Investigator of the research project “Advances in non-linear panel models with socioeconomic applications” founded by the “Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance” (Rome) for the year 2009-2011. He also participated in other applied research projects involving longitudinal data analysis and latent variable models; among these projects, two (about social themes) have been recently funded by the Region of Umbria and one (about the labor market) has been funded by the Lombardy Region.

He participated to the organization of the following conferences:

  • “Statistical Latent Variables Models in the Health Sciences”, Perugia (IT), September 2006 (member of the local committee);
  • “International Workshop on Statistical Modelling”, Barcelona, July 2007 (member of the scientific committee);
  • “Classification and Data Analysis (CLADAG) 2008”, Caserta (IT), June 2008 (member of the scientific committee);
  • “Fourth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics”, Pisa (IT), January 2011 (member of the program committee);
  • “Patient Reported Outcomes and Quality of Life”, Paris, July 2011 (member of the scientific committee).

Moreover, he organized and chaired several scientific sessions in international conferences.