Please consider supporting us by a donation.
Donating online couldn’t be easier. Please visit Barrett’s Oesophagus UK’s JustGiving page where you can donate direct or create a page to raise money for your fundraising event.
Payroll giving is a way to regularly give an amount that you decide on without any hassle. It is simply deducted each month from your salary before you receive it. Payroll giving also increases the value of your gift because employees are given tax relief on their donation immediately – and at their highest rate of tax.
If your company doesn’t yet support payroll giving, please encourage it to do so. To find out more, visit
Have you considered helping us by leaving a donation in your will? Your generous gift could help many people to live a better and healthier life. Please mention Barrett’s Oesophagus UK when you next update your will.
Raise funds for us?
See this page for suggestions.