Bottom of the box...why the holes and what looks like a picture frame?

Holes are for drainage & ventilation

The 'picture frame' is trim that keeps the eggs from getting too close to the wall.

Owls 'turn' their eggs using their beak. If the egg gets too close to the wall this 'turning' is impossible.

Do you put any material, like pine straw or mulch, in the bottom?

I have used pine straw, cedar & pine chips.

Pine and or cedar chips are available from the pet store.

It looks like you have your camera at eye level with the owls. Do you also have one from above?

I have tried eye level, and overhead.

My current box has four eye level cameras and four microphones.

The extra camera and mikes are backups.

What is the circular camera mounts about?

To make camera service and replacement easier.

Could you tell me about the design of the box lowering mechanism?

When I need to service the owlbox I lower it using a simple cable and winch system.

When in the up position, a latch (seen in top third of 2x12) secures the box.