Barbara Thomas
Person Centred Counsellor and Supervisor
Do you feel like life is getting on top of you?
Could you benefit from a place to take some time-out to explore your experiences, your thoughts and feelings?
It’s not uncommon to experience difficult times in your life. You may seek counselling because of personal and/or relationship difficulties, maybe you feel unhappy or discontent, perhaps you wish to resolve specific problems.
Counselling provides you with a safe place to explore what is going on for you. Having the opportunity to talk freely, and know that you are being heard by someone who is not going to judge you or jump in with advice, can make a huge difference.
I am a person-centred counsellor and that means that I truly believe that we are all experts in our own lives. I am here to work through your issues with you by listening, attentively and without judgement, to how things are for you.
I am committed to understanding you, accepting you and helping you find your way.
I am an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). I support and abide by their ethical framework for the counselling professions.
If you're wondering what you might expect when you come for counselling you might like to visit this page of my site.