Research Activities

Research Interests:

  • Blockchain Technology

    • Blockchain Online Social Media

    • NFTs and Metaverse

  • Decentralized online social networks

  • Decentralized Storage

  • Social network analysis


  • Best Paper Award: HyVVE: A Voronoi Based Hybrid Architecture for Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games, with L.Genovali, B.Guidi, DCNET 2013, 4-th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, Reykjavik, Island, July 29-31th 2013.

  • Best Paper Award: Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea; Rossetti, Giulio. “Dynamic Community Analysis in Decentralized Online Social Networks”. International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments, LSDVE Workshop, 28 August 2017 (pp. 517-528). Springer, Cham.

  • Best Paper Award: De Salve, Andrea; Guidi, Barbara; Michienzi, Andrea. “Exploiting community detection to recommend privacy policies in Decentralized Online Social Networks”. International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments, LSDVE Workshop, 27 August 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

  • Best Paper Award: Decentralized Cloud Scheduling via SmartContracts. Operational constraints and costs Adrian Spataru, Laura Ricci, Dana Petcu, Barbara Guidi, 6th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2019), Granda, Spain, October 22-25, 2019,

Current Projects

  • PRA-2020. Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo "Servizi pubblici e piattaforme digitali. Categorie giuridiche, processi, garanzie"

  • HELIOS - H2020 Project. (

Past Projects

  • PRA-2016. Progetto di Ricerca di Ateneo "Big Data, Social Mining and Risk Management."


PhD. Students

  • Andrea Michienzi (2017 -2020)


  • Academic Editor "Plos One"

  • Associate Editor "IET Networks"

  • Academic Editor "Communications" - SciencePG

  • Guest Editor Special Issue "Large Scale Cooperative Virtual Environments", Wiley, Concurrency, Practice and Experience, 2017.

  • Guest Editor Special issue in Mobile Networking and Applications (Elsevier). "Editorial: Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (GOODTECHS 2017)" (

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue in Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). "Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good".

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue in Social Media + Society. "Re-Imaging a more trustworthy Social Media Future"(

  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue in Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer). "Information Technology for Social Good". Submission Deadline: 15 dicembre 2021.

Conference/Workshops Chairmanship and Track Organizations