Research interests

Peniche, Portugal

Mesozoic-Cenozoic paleoceanographic change

INSU OA Lefe MarlHe (2023-2025) : 3HeET measurements for sedimentary accumulation rates calculations.
Blandine Godet PhD thesis (2022-2025) : Origin of limestone-marlstone alternation and sedimentary changes during the Early Cretaceous and OAE2.

ANR JCJC MioCarb (2020-2024) : Origin and consequence of Biogenic Bloom on carbon cycle.
Quentin Pillot PhD thesis (2020-2023) : Quantify Biogenic Bloom sedimentary accumulation rates and climate modelling of  initiation of this event.

Evolution of pelagic carbonate mass accumulation over the past  200 Myr

ANR JCJC MioCarb (2020-2024) : Origin and consequence of Biogenic Bloom on carbon cycle.
IODP past campaign support K/Pg CaCO3 (2017) : K/Pg pelagic carbonate masse accumulation rates
INSU TS Syster K/Pg CaCO3 (2016) : K/Pg pelagic carbonate masse accumulation rates

CCD-CSH dynamics and past evolution

ANR JCJC MioCarb (2020-2024) : Origin and consequence of Biogenic Bloom on carbon cycle.

Cabo Mondego, Portugal
Picking coccolith, Lyon

Synchrotron-based nannofossil analyses

Geochemistry :
ESRF ID21 (2023, contributor) : NanoXRF on Cretaceous nannoconids
ESRF ID16B (2017, PI) : 3D NanoXRF on modern coccoliths
ESRF ID21 (2013, PI) : NanoXRF and Mn Xanes on Quaternary to Jurassic coccoliths
ESRF ID22NI (2011, PI) : NanoXRF on middle Jurassic coccolith

3D tomography :
Soleil Swing (2023, contributor) : Ptychotomography on Cretaceous nannoconids
ESRF ID10 (2021, contributor) : Coherent diffraction on natural coccosphere
ESRF ID10 (2015, contributor) : Coherent diffraction on cultured coccoliths