Research & Publications


3A. Bandini - P. Gianni - E. Sbarra  Commutative Algebra through Exercises       (english)

      Springer, UNITEXT Vol. 159 (2024) 

       avaliable at  Springer website     Book & E-book    

2.  A. Bandini - P. Gianni - E. Sbarra  Esercizi di Algebra Commutativa     (italian)

       Pisa University Press (2022) 

        avaliable at  PUP website     Book       E-book 

1. Proceedings of the "Third Italian Number Theory Meeting" (Pisa, 21-24 September 2015)

     A. Bandini - I. Del Corso Eds.  Riv.  Mat.  Univ.  Parma  Vol. 7 - No. 1   (2016), 258 pp.

Research Interests

Number Theory  -  Iwasawa Theory  -  Elliptic Curves - Function fields - Drinfeld modular forms

Papers – Preprints – Work in Progress 

The pdf files avaliable here are personal files (preprints mostly) and they may not coincide with the final published version

31.  The algebra Zp [[ Zld ]] and application to Iwasawa theory,

               (with I. Longhi) in progress,  arXiv  (2024).

30.   Fourier coefficients and slopes of Drinfeld modular forms,

          (with M. Valentino)   Int. J. Number Theory  19  (10)    (2023),  2523-2553.          pdf

29.   Hecke operators and Drinfeld cusp forms of level t,

          (with M. Valentino)   Bull.  Austr.  Math.  Soc.  107  (2)   (2023),  184-195.       pdf 

28.  On the structure and slopes of Drinfeld cusp forms,

         (with M. Valentino)   Exp. Math.  31  (2)   (2022),  637-651.       pdf      

27Drinfeld cusp forms: oldforms and newforms,

         (with M. Valentino)  J. Number Theory  237   (2022),  124-144.      pdf 

26.  Fitting ideals of class groups in Carlitz-Hayes cyclotomic extensions,

         (with F. Bars and E. Coscelli)   J. Number Theory  232   (2022),  261-282.      pdf 

25. Stickelberger series and Main Conjecture for function fields,

         (with E. Coscelli)   Publ. Mat.  65  (2)   (2021),  459-498.     pdf     

24.  Aspects of Iwasawa theory over function fields, 

         (with F. Bars and I. Longhi), in "t-Motives: Hodge structures, transcendence and other motivic aspects", 

        G. Böckle, D. Goss, U. Hartl, M.A. Papanikolas Eds.,  EMS Series of Congress Reports vol. 16   (2020),  375-416.     pdf   

23.  Iwasawa Main Conjecture for the Carlitz cyclotomic extension and applications,

        (with B. Anglés, F. Bars and I. Longhi)  Math. Ann.  376   Issue 1-2  (2020),  475-523.    pdf 

22.  On the Atkin Ut-operator for Γ0(t)-invariant Drinfeld cusp forms,

        (with M. Valentino)   Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.  147   (2019),  4171-4187.     pdf

21.  Euler characteristic and Akashi series for Selmer groups over global function fields,

         (with M. Valentino)   J. Number Theory  193   (2018),  213-234.    pdf

20. On the Atkin Ut-operator for Γ1(t)-invariant Drinfeld cusp forms,

        (with M. Valentino)   Int. J. Number Theory  14   (2018),  2599–2616.   pdf 

19. Stabilization for Iwasawa modules in Zp-extensions,

        (with F. Caldarola)   Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova  136   (2016),  137-155.    pdf 

18. Fields generated by torsion points of elliptic curves,

        (with L. Paladino)   J. Number Theory  169   (2016),  103-133.   pdf 

17. Control theorems for l-adic Lie extensions of global function fields,

       (with M. Valentino)   Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.   XIV   (2015), no. 4,  1065-1092.   pdf  

16. Characteristic ideals and Selmer groups,

       (with F. Bars and I. Longhi)   J. Number Theory  157    (2015),  530-546.     pdf  

15. Stabilization in non-abelian Iwasawa theory,

        (with F. Caldarola)   Acta Arith.  169   (2015), no. 4,  319-329.     pdf  

14. On Selmer groups of abelian varieties over l-adic Lie extensions of global function fields,

       (with M. Valentino)   Bull. Braz. Math Soc.  45   (2014), no. 3,  575-595.     pdf

13. Characteristic ideals and Iwasawa theory,

       (with F. Bars and I. Longhi)   New York J. Math.  20   (2014),  759-778.    pdf    

         avaliable at

12. Number fields generated by the 3-torsion points of an elliptic curve,

       (with L. Paladino)   Monatsh. Math.  168   (2012), no. 2,  157-181.     pdf

11. Selmer groups for elliptic curves in Zld-extensions of function fields of characteristic p,

       (with I. Longhi)   Ann. Inst. Fourier  59   (2009), no. 6,  2301-2327.     pdf

10. Torsion points on elliptic curves over function fields and a theorem of Igusa,

       (with I. Longhi and S. Vigni)   Expo. Math.  27   (2009), no. 3,  175-209.     pdf  

9.  Control theorems for elliptic curves over function fields,

      (with I. Longhi)   Int. J. Number Theory  5   (2009), no. 2,  229-256.    pdf  

8.  3-Selmer groups for curves y2=x3+a,

       Czechoslovak Math. J.  58    (2008), no. 2,   429-445.   pdf  

7.  A note on p-ranks of class groups in Zp-extensions,  

       JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl.  9   (2007), no. 1,  95-103.     pdf

6.  Greenberg's conjecture and capitulation in Zpd-extensions, 

       J. Number Theory  122   (2007), no. 1,  121-134.     pdf 

5.  Greenberg's conjecture for multiple Zp-extensions,

       Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma (Serie 7) 3*   (2004),  151-158.    pdf  

4.  Three-descent and the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture,  

       Rocky Mountain J. Math.  34   (2004), no. 1,  13-27.   pdf

3.  Greenberg's conjecture for Zpd-extensions,

      Acta Arith.  108   (2003), no. 4,  357-368.   pdf  

2.  Functions f : Z/pn Z>  Z/pnZ  induced by polynomials of Z[X],

      Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.  181  (4)   (2002), no. 1,  95-104.  pdf  

1.  Extensions of the p-adic fields generated by the roots of a single polynomial in two variables,

      Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.  175  (4)   (1998),  223-232.     pdf