Policy work


The uneven impact of high inflation

(with Jakub Caisl, Luiz Hermida and Horacio Levy)

OECD Working Papers on Well-being and Inequalities No. 18, October 2023

Inflation and its diverse social consequences across the euro area

Chapter in Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA), Vol. 22, No. 1 (2023)

Inflation  and its social consequences - The case of Nordic and Baltic countries

JRC Science for Policy Brief,  JRC132805, European Commission, 2023

Also re-published as pamphlet by the Nordic Energy Research

The effect of rising energy and consumer prices on household finances, poverty and social exclusion in the EU

JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 31257 EN, JRC130650, Publications Office of the European Union, September 2022

Also appears  in the European Commission's Autumn 2022 Economic forecastESDE Quarterly Review (October 2022) and the 2023 Proposal for a Joint Employment Report 

Media coverage: JRC News announcement, VoxEU column, LeMonde article (in French), G7 news article and podcast (in Hungarian) 


Energy poverty - 
New insights and analysis for improved measurement and policy

JRC Technical Report, EUR 31554 EN JRC133804, Publications Office of the European Union, June 2023

Also appears in shortened form as a JRC Science for Policy Brief (JRC133806)

Absolute poverty measurement with minimum food needs: A new inverse method for advanced economies

JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, 2021/04, February 2022 

Measuring and monitoring absolute poverty (ABSPO) - Final Report

(with Zsombor Cseres-Gergely, Virmantas Kvedaras, Benedetta Mina, Filippo Pericoli and Slavica Zec)

JRC Technical Report, EUR 30924 EN JRC127444, Publications Office of the European Union, December 2021

Online presentation: Youtube webinar for the European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS) 


Economic resilience in the European Union: An empirical study of historical downturns and global shocks (1968 - 2018)

(with Peter Benczur and Filippo Pericoli)

JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, (forthcoming) 

Monitoring resilience in the EU

(with Peter Benczur, Jessica Cariboni, Elisabeth Joossens, Julia Le Blanc and Andreea Piriu)

JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 31743 EN, JRC135043, Publication Office of the European Union, November 2023

Building a policy relevant resilience measure: beyond the economic perspective

(with Peter Benczur, Elisabeth Joossens, Anna Rita Manca and Slavica Zec)

Book chapter in Handbook on Regional Economic Resilience (eds. by G. Bristow and A. Healy), Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN 978-1-178536-085, 2020

How resilient are the European regions? Evidence from the societal response to the 2008 financial crisis

(with Peter Benczur, Elisabeth Joossens, Anna Rita Manca and Slavica Zec)

JRC Technical Report, EUR 30352 EN, JRC121554, Publications Office of the European Union, June 2020

The resilience of EU Member States to the financial and economic crisis

(with Lucia Alessi, Peter Benczur, Francesca Campolongo, Jessica Cariboni, Anna Rita Manca and Andrea Pagano)

Social Indicators Research, Vol. 148, January 2020

The resilience of EU Member States to the financial and economic crisis. What are the characteristics of resilient behaviour?

(with Lucia Alessi, Peter Benczur, Francesca Campolongo, Jessica Cariboni, Anna Rita Manca and Andrea Pagano)

JRC Science for Policy Report, EUR 29221 EN, Publication Office of the European Union, March 2018

Media  coverage: JRC News announcement, VoxEU column 


Home court advantage: The effects of Covid-19 on work safety

(with Szilard Erhart)

JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, (forthcoming)

Job quality in emerging economies: A bird's eye view through the lens of the OECD Job Quality framework

(with Paolo Falco and Sandrine Cazes)

Book chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Job Quality (eds. by C. Warhurst, C. Mathieu and R. E. Dwyer), Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-198749-790, June 2022

Measuring Labour Market Security and Assessing its Implications for Individual Well-being

(with Alexander Hijzen)

OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 175, January 2016

Enhancing job quality in emerging economies

(with Paolo Falco and Sandrine Cazes)

Chapter 5 in OECD Employment Outlook 2015, OECD Publishing, July 2015

How good is your job? Measuring and assessing job quality

(with Paolo Falco, Alexander Hijzen, Hande Inanc and Sandrine Cazes)

Chapter 3 in OECD Employment Outlook 2014, OECD Publishing, September 2014


Measuring biodiversity risk exposure of Natura2000 parks to industrial pollution

(with Kornel Erhart and Szilard Erhart) (forthcoming)

Carbon and environmental footprint inequality of household consumption in the EU

(with Giuseppe Ciccolini, Elisabeth Joossens, Julia Le Blanc, Roberto Pasqualino, Esther Sanye Mengual, Piotr Wierzgala and Slavica Zec)

JRC Technical Report, EUR 31976 EN, JRC137520, Publication Office of the European Union, June 2024