
Welcome to my website. I am a Professor and Researcher at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC), under the Serra-Húnter Program. I conduct my research at the Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC) at UPC - BarcelonaTech. 

My research interests focus on computational transport phenomena, direct numerical simulation of gas-liquid multiphase flows, heat and mass transfer, bubbly flows, variable surface tension (thermocapillarity and surfactants), and phase change phenomena (evaporation, condensation, and boiling). I work with computational and numerical methodologies based on the finite-volume method, unstructured meshes, unstructured flux-limiters, Level-Set (LS) and coupled Volume-of-Fluid/LS methods, adaptive mesh refinement, and high-performance parallel computing (C++, MPI). My scientific motivation stems from the fundamental principles of transport phenomena and their industrial applications, such as unit operations in chemical engineering (distillation, absorption, flotation), chemical reactors, and energy engineering.

Néstor V. Balcázar-Arciniega holds a Ph.D. in Thermal Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) - BarcelonaTech, September 2014. Chemical Engineer from the Technical University of Loja, August 2004.



Publications and academic contribution


KEYWORDS:  transport phenomena, computational fluid dynamics, multiphase flow, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, mass transfer, phase-change, interfacial flows, surface tension, bubbles, droplets, bubbly flows, conservative level-set method, coupled VoF-LS method, multiple markers, unstructured meshes, finite-volume methods, adaptive-mesh-refinement

DNS of Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Gravity-Driven Bubbly Flow:  This figure illustrates the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of hydrodynamics and mass transfer in gravity-driven bubbly flow, utilizing the multi-marker unstructured conservative level-set method. The numerical code (C++, MPI) is parallelized for execution on supercomputers such as MareNostrum IV and V (Barcelona, Spain).

Further Details:
Balcazar-Arciniega et al.(2024). Numerical study of the drag force, interfacial area and mass transfer in bubbles in a vertical pipe, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 495, 153-124.