Learn British Army Bugle Calls

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If you are wondering why an Irish man has such an interest in British militaria, remember at any given point in time, when the army wore the Red Coat (late 1600s - late 1800s) one third of it were Irish. That is a disproportionately higher amount, for our population, comparing with the rest of Great Britain. By the 1830s, a staggering 43% of the entire British army were Irish born. Down to the first World War, a third of a million (over 350,000) Irish served under her flag,

for all kinds of reasons.... political, social, economic, cultural, and historical. Today in Ireland, we are told Britishness is foreign - such selective memories we have.

My easy method of learning

I cannot read or write music. I learn by ear. Simply listening and repeating. A curious method I have developed is that I listen, and copy somthing 9 times, over 9 days, and then I have it! I use this for my bagpipe tunes too.

Why 9?

Well, they say 3 is a magic number. (Google it) Most cultures globally attach a special significance to the number 3 and trinity. In Christianity for example, look at how many times the number 3 shows up in Christ's life..

3 multiplied by itself is 3 times better, which gives you 9. And 9 multiplied by itself is even stronger again at 81. Take the number 81 - 8+1 gives you 9!

I'm not into maths, but this certainly works for me, hope it helps you!

Lesson 1 Officers x9