
ale.badel [at] gmail


Ph.D. Economics, Georgetown University, 2009

M.A. Economics, Georgetown University, 2005

B.A. Economics, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2000.


Computer: Fortran-MPI, Matlab, Matlab Apps, R, Rshiny Apps, Stata, Eviews, Python, Latex.

Macroeconomics, Public Finance, Urban, Calibration, Estimation, Equilibrium Simulation/ Classification, Machine Learning.

Work Experience:

July 2022- Present: Senior Economist, International Monetary Fund.

November 2020- July 2022: Projects Officer, International Monetary Fund

February 2019- November 2020: Senior Consultant, World Bank Group. 

September 2016-Present: Independent Consultant.

August 2016-Present: Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University

October 2016-September 2017:  Research Economist, Bureau of Labor Statistics

June 2009-June 2016: Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2006-2007: Research Assistant, Georgetown University

2004-2007: Teaching Assistant, IMF and World Bank

2005-2006: Teaching Fellow, Georgetown University

Summer 2004: Research Assistant, Economic Research Group, World Bank

2002-2003: Structured Finance Analyst / Member of the Structuring Team TIPS-E1: Titularizadora Colombiana

2000-2002: Financial Sector Analyst: National Planning Department, Colombia.

Published / Forthcoming Articles:

"Mining Revenues and Development Policy in Guinea", with Rachel Lyngaas (IMF Working Paper 2023/090.)

"Taxing Top Earners: A Human Capital Perspective", with Mark Huggett and Wenlan Luo (Economic Journal 2020).

"Top Earners: Cross Country Facts" with Moira Daly, Martin Nybom and Mark Huggett (FRB St. Louis Review, 2018)

"The Sufficient Statistic Approach: Predicting the Top of the Laffer Curve" with Mark Huggett (Journal of Monetary Economics, 2016).

"Quantitative Macro vs. Sufficient Statistic Approach: A Laffer Curve Dilemma?" (St. Louis Fed Review, 2015).

"Interpreting Life-Cycle Inequality Patterns as an Efficient Allocation: Mission Impossible?" with Mark Huggett (Review of Economic Dynamics, 2014.)

"Representative Neighborhoods of the United States" (FRB St. Louis Review, 2014).

"Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap with Sample Selection Adjustment: Evidence from Colombia" with Ximena Pena (Economic Analysis Review, 2010.)

Working Papers / Work in Progress:

"A "One Percent" Development Policy for Chad" with Ljubica Dordevic.

"When Will Global Gender Gaps Close?" with Rishi Goyal.

"Macro-Inequality Impact of High Food Prices dependent African Countries" with Stefania Fabrizio.

"A Racial Inequality Trap" (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Working Paper 2015-034A)

Archived Work

"An American Inequality Trap" (reject-revise American Economic Review).


International Economic Review, Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Labour Economics, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Energy Economics, Economics Letters, Economic Journal.

Other Publications:

"Black/White Segregation in the Eighth District: A look at the Dynamics" with C. Martinek, The Regional Economist, July 2011.

"Should Real Estate Prices be Falling More in the Eighth District?" with C. Martinek, The Regional Economist, July 2010.

"Reader Exchange: Why are the U.S. Cities so Segregated by race? Why should we care?", The Regional Economist, July 2010.

Papers in Spanish:

“The State of Housing Finance in Colombia”, with Mauricio Cárdenas, Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department Working Papers, 2003.

"Financial Shocks, Asset Prices and Recession in Colombia" Desarrollo y Sociedad, March 2002, No. 49, pp. 61-97.

"Colombian Banking System: Are we Efficient in an International Context?" Planeación y Desarrollo XXXIII, National Planning Department of Colombia, 2002.

Conference/Seminar Presentations:

2018: AEA Winter Meetings, Philadelphia.

2017: AEA Winter Meetings, Chicago. Georgetown Center for Economics Research.

2016: U. Javeriana, U. del Rosario, Getulio Vargas - Sao Paulo, PUC-Rio, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Copenhagen Business School, Congressional Budget Office, Society for Economic Dynamics (Toulouse).

2015: SED (Warsaw), Business Cycles Conference (UCSB), 

2014: ITAM/PIER Macro Workshop.

2013: Midwest Macro Meetings, SED (Seoul). 

2012: Carlos III/CEMFI MadMac Seminar, SED (Cyprus), University of Pittsburgh Macro Seminar.

2011: Vienna Macro Cafe; Macro Seminar (U. of Miami); 4th European Economic Review Talented Economists Clinic (IZA, Bonn); Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Conference (Faro, Portugal); North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society (St. Louis); 6th Meeting of the Urban Economics Association (Miami).

2010: ASSA Meetings (Atlanta); Wisconsin Business School HULM Conference (Chicago Fed); Macro Seminar (U. of Iowa).

2009: Macro Seminar (U. Autonoma de Barcelona); Housing and Finance Conference (U. of Wisconsin); Wisconsin Business School HULM Conference (Atlanta Fed). 5th European Workshop in Macroeconomics (U. of Manheim); NBER Summer Institute (Cambridge MA).

2008: Macro Seminar (Georgetown U.).

2007: Midwest Macro Meetings (Cleveland Fed)


Fall 2017, Fall 2018: "Intermediate Macroeconomics", Georgetown University.

Spring 2017 : "Ph.D. Topics in Macroeconomics", Georgetown University.

Summer, 2004-2007:  TA, “Panel Data Analysis Using EViews” course at World Bank, Prof. John Cuddington and Daniel Westbrook.

Summer, 2004-2007: TA, “Macroeconometric Modeling and Forecasting Using EViews” course at IMF, Profs. John Cuddington and Daniel Westbrook.

Spring, 2006: Teaching fellow, Graduate Macro II, Georgetown, Prof. Jonathan Heathcote.

Fall, 2005: Teaching fellow, Graduate Micro I, Georgetown, Prof. Susan Vroman.

Spring, 2005: Teaching fellow, Graduate Macro II, Georgetown, Prof. Mark Huggett. 

Grants, Honors, Scholarships, and Fellowships:

2005 Fellow, Institute of Computational Economics, University of Chicago.

2008-2009 Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship, Georgetown University. 

2009 Razin Prize in Economics (awarded to best dissertation at Georgetown University).

2013-2015 Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant SES 130025, supported by the NSF, to access the Stampede cluster at the Texas Advanced Computing Center.