Aytek Erdil

University of Cambridge & King's College

A Modern Design for University Admissions in the UK

(joint work with Battal Dogan)

In response to the UK Government's open consultation about Post-qualification admissions in higher education, we propose a new framework to organise the university admissions process in the UK. 

PDFs of the full policy paper and the related theory paper are at the bottom of this page.


The following are available upon request.

A brief summary of our argument (two pages)

One-page proposal summary (PQ-offers version)

Post-qualification-applications version (PQ-apps version 1)

Another version of the post-qualification-application model (PQ-apps version 2)


Our opinion piece at Economics Observatory

What went wrong with UK university admissions in the summer of 2021?  Ungated version here
How to make higher education admissions fairer, quicker and better (A discussion of our work by Rob Cuthbert)


Detailed proposal without the background discussion

Click here for the full paper "A Modern Design for University Admissions in the UK" (Includes an extensive Q&A Section in the Appendix)

NEW: Widening Access in University Admissions  with Battal Dogan

If you have any comments or questions for us, please do get in touch: nae25@cam.ac.uk