
1. Published Papers

Jobs and Matches: Quits, Replacement Hiring, and Vacancy Chains (with Benjamin Schoefer)
American Economic Review: Insights, Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2020
Paper  Slides 

Labor Market Policies During an Epidemic (with Serdar Birinci, Fatih Karahan and Kurt See)
Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 194, February 2021

A Congestion Theory of Unemployment Fluctuations (with Benjamin Schoefer and Petr Sedláček)
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2024
Paper  Slides

Heterogeneous Responses to Job Mobility Shocks in a HANK Model with a Frictional Labor Market (with Serdar Birinci, Fatih Karahan and Kurt See)
AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 114, May 2024

2. Working Papers and Projects

Labor Market Shocks and Monetary Policy (with Serdar Birinci, Fatih Karahan and Kurt See)

Fewer but Better: The Decline in Job Mobility and the Information Channel

Job Mobility and Unemployment Risk (in preparation, with Alex Clymo, Piotr Denderski and Benjamin Schoefer)

UI and DI: Macroeconomic Implications of Program Substitution (in preparation, with Fatih Karahan)


"The Labor Market Impact of Shareholder Power: Worker-Level Evidence" by Antonio Falato, Daniel Gallego, Hyunseob Kim and Till von Wachter
System Applied Micro Conference, May 2024

"A Unified Approach to Measuring u*" by Richard K. Crump, Stefano Eusepi, Marc Giannoni and Ayşegül Şahin
Reserve Bank of Australia Quantitative Macroeconomics Workshop, December 2019