週刊東洋経済「経済学者が読み解く現代社会のリアル」 参考文献


  • Matsuda, A. and Kurosaki, T. (2019) "Demand for temperature and rainfall index insurance in India," Agricultural Economics, 50(3): 353-366.
  • Matsuda, A., Takahashi, K., Ikegami , M. (2019) "Direct and Indirect Impacts of Index-based Livestock Insurance in Southern Ethiopia," The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, forthcoming.


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  • Takahashi, K., Ikegami, M., Sheahan, M., Barrett, C. B. (2016) "Experimental evidence on the drivers of Index-Based Livestock Insurance demand in Southern Ethiopia," World Development, 78, 324–340.


  • Wright, B., Hewitt, J. A., (1994) "All-risk crop insurance: Lessons from theory and experience," in D. L. Hueth and W. Furtan, eds., Economics of Agricultural Crop Insurance: Theory and Evidence, Springer.
  • Besley, T., (1995) "Nonmarket institutions for credit and risk sharing in low-income countries," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(3): 115-127.