Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

Economist at French research center CEPII in Paris.

Past Positions

2016-2018. Junior Economist in the Economics Department of the OECD in Paris.

2014-2016. Two-year Max Weber Fellowship(postdoctoral position) at the Department of Economics of the European University Institute in Florence.

PhD in Economics

December 2015: Prize "Vouters" awarded for the thesis by La Chancellerie des Universités de Paris

December 2014: Defense in front of a jury composed of Patrick Artus (Paris 1, Natixis), Xavier Freixas (UPF), Johan Hombert (HEC Paris), Jean Imbs (EEP, CNRS), Xavier Ragot (EEP, CNRS), Pierre-Olivier Weill (UCLA)

2010-2013: PhD Candidate at Paris School of Economics and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University under the supervision of Jean Imbs (PSE, CNRS)

Research experience

Sep 2012- Feb 2013: Visiting Scholar at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA

Fellowship granted by Brown University

Aug 2011- Sep 2011: French Central Bank, Monetary Policy Division (POMONE), Paris, France

Internship: evaluation of the size of the shadow banking sector in the Euro area


Journal Of Economic Theory


2009-2010: M.A. Economics “Theoretical and Empirical Economics”(French “Master 2 Recherche”: 5th year of University preparing to be a researcher), Paris School of Economics and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. Magna cum laude distinction (Mention Bien).

2007-2008: Master degree of International Taxation, University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas .

2004-2008: HEC Grande Ecole, Paris, M.Sc. in International Business.