Giorgio Corani

Research topics

Recent seminars

Probabilistic reconciliation via conditioning, invited talk at the 2023 IIF Workshop on Forecast Reconciliation  


Conferences organization

I have co-organized, co-chaired and co-edited the proceedings of:


Program committees  


Uncertain Reasoning and Data Mining (2010 --2019)

Master of Information Technology, USI (co-teacher).

Analysis of Sequential Data (2018 - 2022)

Master MSE of Data Science, Zurich (co-teacher).

Applied Statistics (since 2010)

Bachelor of Business Engineering, SUPSI. 

Bayesian Data Analysis and Probabilistic Programming (since 2022)

Bachelor of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, SUPSI.

Software packages

bayesRecon: Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning

Probabilistic reconciliation of base forecast for Gaussian and count variables.

GP forecast: automatic forecasting with Gaussian Processes

Based on our ECML-PKDD 2021 paper; interface for Python and R.

Bayesian hypothesis testing in machine learning

Slides and code of our tutorial at ECML-PKDD 2016.

G. Corani, A. Benavoli, J. Demsar

Naive Credal Classifier

JNCC2 is the implementation of the naive credal classifier (JMLR 2008)

Credal Model Averaging 

The R implementation of credal model averaging for logistic regression is due to A. Mignatti

The software and the data set used are available here.