
The AVR Library is available for download for Windows and Linux operating systems. Here you will find the compiled library, headers files and some examples. The project was packed as Codeblocks workspaces. Download and install the lastest version of Codeblocks to your operating system.

The library was tested under Windows 7 and Windows 8, both 32 and 64 bits. For Linux systems, we strongly recommend the Ubuntu 12.04 distribution or newer versions.

General Instructions


For windows, you just need to build and run the examples (See the "How to start" section bellow).


Make sure you already have the following packages:

glu, freeglut, video4linux, xi, xmu, jpeg, g++

To install then, open the terminal (The root password is required) and type:

sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev

sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

sudo apt-get install libv4l-dev

sudo apt-get install libxi-dev

sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev

sudo apt-get install libjpeg62-dev

sudo apt-get install g++

After that, you just need to build and run the examples.

[UPDATE 07/20/2016] In some Linux distributions the library examples are breaking before main in the To fix this issue first update your graphic card drivers and, if the problem persists, include the dependencies to pthread library in the example project. To make this in Code::Blocks IDE follow the steps below.

    • Go to project Build Options;

    • In the Linker Settings tab click in the add button, type pthread and click OK, and move it above (before) the GL entry;

    • In the Compiler Settings tab go to Other compiler options tab and type -pthread;

    • Finally click OK and rebuild the project.

How to start?

  1. Download de file bellow and unzip it

  2. Open the pattern folder and print the "SingleMarkers_5cm.pdf" file

  3. Open the src folder

    1. Open the corresponding workspace (windows or linux)

    2. Compile and run the first example (other examples may require additional markers)