Professional experiences
Senior Researcher at GEUS, Copenhagen, Denmark: April 2024 - now.
Research Scientist at ISTerre, UGA, Grenoble France, September 2020 - March 2024.
Founder and consultant for the startup SISPROBE SAS, 2017 - now
Postdoc ISTerre, UGA, Grenoble France, September 2019 - 2020.
Postdoc Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences: Ice sheet seismology, August 2014 - June 2019.
Postdoc at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris: Ambient-noise tomography of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, March-July 2014.
PhD at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France: Imaging and monitoring using correlations of seismic noise in an industrial context: application to the Valhall network, PhD thesis, 2014. You can download the manuscript here: <pdf>
Training period (6 months) at NORSAR, Kjeller, Norway: Optimization of an automatic microseismic event location software and application to a hydraulic fracturing dataset from a hydrocarbon reservoir. Engineer diploma's thesis, 2010.
Training period (4 months) at IPGP (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris), Paris, France: Subsurface imaging using continuous seismic records from OBS network. MCs thesis, 2010.
Training period (10 months) at GNS (Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences), Taupo, New-Zealand: Study of changes of elastic properties in volcanoes using seismic noise, 2008 - 2009.
Team research project:
- Soil characterisation of a vineyard with several geophysical methods, 2008. (Master 1's thesis)
- Geophysical study of a burial mound, Dachstein, Bas-Rhin, France, 2008.
Training period (2 months) at the OVPF (Volcanic Observatory of the Piton de la Fournaise), La Réunion, France: Measurement of volume and thickness of the lava flow of the April 2007 eruption using GPS, 2007.