Teaching and Lecture Notes

Current (2022):

Investimento e Cálculo Financeiro (Investment and Financial Calculus), UFMG, BA in Management and BA in Controlling and Finance, 30 hours.

Finanças Comportamentais (Behavioral Finance), UFMG, BA in Management, 30 hours.

Métodos Econométricos (Econometric Methods), UFMG, BA in Controlling and Finance, 90 hours.

Métodos Econométricos em Finanças (Econometric Methods in Finance), UFMG, PhD/advanced MSc, 30 hours.

Introdução à Inferência Causal (Introduction to Causal Inference), UFMG, PhD/advanced MSc, 30 hours.

Lecture notes [in Portuguese]

Investiment and Financial Calculus: Lecture notes

Fixed Income Securities: Lecture notes excel files

Market Risk Analysis: Lecture notes excel files

Econometric Methods (updated in 2016): Lecture notes excel files

Econometric Methods in Finance: