Assistant Professor

Kyung Hee University

26 Kyunghee Dae Ro

Seoul 02447, Korea 

Curriculum Vitae   /   Email


Missing Growth and Economic Fluctuations: Empirical Evidence from Korea, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Vol. 164, 2024

The Impact of COVID-19 on Jobs in Korea: Does Contact-Intensiveness Matter? KDI Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 44, 2022

Who Should Work from Home during a Pandemic?  The Wage-Infection Trade-off (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Yongseok Shin), FRB STL Review, Vol. 104, 2022

Consumption Response to Seoul's COVID-19 Shopping Coupons: Evidence from Consumer Data  (with Seokjin Woo, Dohyung Kim, Hyejin Moon, and Soohyung Lee), Korean Economic Review, Vol. 38, 2022

Organizing for Digitalization at the Firm Level (with Sunghoon Chung), In Zia Qureshi and Cheonsik Woo (Ed.) Shifting Paradigms: Growth, Finance, Jobs, and Inequality in the Digital Economy, Brookings Institution Press, 2022

COVID-19 Doesn't Need Lockdowns to Destroy Jobs: The Effect of Local Outbreaks in Korea (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Yongseok Shin), Labour Economics, Vol. 70, 2021

Inequality of Fear and Self-Quarantine: Is There a Trade-off between GDP and Public Health? (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Yongseok Shin), Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 194, 2021

Why is the Labor Share Declining? (with Yongseok Shin), FRB STL Review, Vol 102, No. 4, 2020

Increasing and Decreasing Labor Shares: Cross-Country Differences in the 21st Century (with Dongya Koh and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis), Revistas ICE, No. 911, pp.63-77, 2019

Computerizing Industries and Routinizing Jobs: Explaining Trends in Aggregate Productivity (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Yongseok Shin), Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 97, August 2018 (Carnegie-Rochester-NYU volume) VOXEU

Industrial and Occupational Employment Changes During the Great Recession (with Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee and Yongseok Shin), FRB STL Review, Vol 99. No. 4, 2017

수도권-비수도권 간 기업 생산성  격차 및 시사점 (김현수 공저), 한국경제의 분석, vol 30:89-138, 2024

지식자본과 자본노동간 소득분배, KDI 정책연구시리즈, 2019-06

우리나라 UIP조건의 성립여부 검정 및 시사점, 한국은행 조사통계월보, 2013-1

환율변동의 소비 및 투자에 대한 대체효과와 소득효과 (윤경수, 이종현 공저), 한국은행 조사통계월보, 2012-4

통화정책과 은행의 역할  (김현의 공저), 경제분석, vol 17:45-102, 2011

외환위기 이후 우리나라 통화수요함수의 장·단기 안정성에 대한 연구  (박기정 공저), 사회과학연구논총, vol 20:133-168, 2008

Working Papers

The Rise of Software and Skill Demand Reversal PDF, Reject and Resubmit, International Economic Review

Two Funding Sources and Exchange Rate Policy PDF, Revise and Resubmit, Macroeconomic Dynamics

Is Software Eating the World? (with Yongseok Shin) PDF

Why Do You Like or Dislike Your Job? Evidence from A Country with Long Working Hours (with Bongseop Kim and Jungmin Lee)

Resilient Kaldor: Growth Facts with Intellectual Property Products Capital (with Dongya Koh and Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis) PDF