Privacy Policy for the User of AudiosMaxs

AudiosMaxs is hereby stating about its Privacy Policy for the user of Radio through AudiosMaxs across the Globe. This policy can also be known as a valid, but without consideration agreement of RSRST with its user. All the terms stated in the Agreement of SERVICE and USE ( and at other pages of website and links ( have been settled between AudiosMaxs and user with their full consent and the AudiosMaxs has not concealed anything about it from the Broadcaster and User and the user of application of AudiosMaxs is deemed to have knowledge of all the terms and conditions of policy and agreement with the AudiosMaxs. The user has also gone through the terms of Agreement of Service and Use and has understood the same and agrees with the same.

“Privacy Policy”: – is the private policy of the AudiosMaxs, which the user can accept or deny. If the user accepts it, it will be considered that the user has gone through the averments of this policy and has accepted the same without any doubt or confusion and he/she is bound to the terms of user agreement. This policy and user agreement cannot be accepted or denied partly by the user. This privacy policy will be referred as policy hereinafter.

“AudiosMaxs”: – is the master of this policy is known as RSRST hereinafter. AudiosMaxs (in shorten used as “RSRST”) is a company, AudiosMaxs which provides a platform to Radio Broadcaster to index their Radio Station(s) in various Products, Applications and Devices but not limited to Websites, Apps, Smart Devices, Online directories, Mobiles Apps, In-car Entertainment systems, Entertainment devices, Robotics, Smart TVs, developed, designed by AudiosMaxs or its subsidiaries (collectively referred as “Apps”) or by Radio Play Partners in Third Party Apps (TPA).

“State”: – is the country of the user.

“Broadcaster”: – is the Radio Channel listed with the AudiosMaxs, which can easily be accessible to the user through the AudiosMaxs.

“Radio Listening Facility”: – means the services being provided by the AudiosMaxs through the various mode of services at free of cost, which also includes the services availed through RPP (Radio Play Partners) by making it clear that AudiosMaxs is not recognized as service provider as it is only a facility provided by the RSRST though mentioned as ‘service’ in this policy for the sake of convenience.

“Mode of services”: – Services availed on any desktop, laptop, Mobile, Smart TV, Internet, Internet Radio device, in-car entertainment devices OR any other internet enabled devices powered by AudiosMaxs, RadioGenre OR Radio Play Partners.

“Radio Play Partners”: -(in shorten used as “RPP” in agreement without quotes) refer to the third party entities, who agree/s with the terms and conditions of AudiosMaxs to whom AudiosMaxs allows to use the Radio Index directory maintained by AudiosMaxs for the purpose of playing of the Radio Station submitted for indexing by Radio Broadcaster through API or any other channel/ medium for the use of playing in their websites, software modules for various devices, mobile apps, Smart devices, Online Radios, Robotics, In-car Entertainment Systems, Smart TVs or any other module or application (collectively referred as “Third Party Apps” or “TPA”)

“”: – (in shorten used as “RG” in agreement without quotes) is a self-managed Radio Broadcaster portal for easy/ quick management of Radio Station(s) by Radio Broadcaster themselves

The only purpose of RSRST is to inform its users through this privacy about the use of Radio channels throughout the world through RSRST. The details given as under: –

Since this policy is written in simple English language and RSRST has no liability to translate into the any particular/specific language of user and while going through this policy and while accepting the terms of Agreement of Service and Use, it will be believed that the user has accepted the terms of this policy and said agreement after going through the same in his/her own language/vernacular.

All the services hereinafter provided are being provided by the RSRST without any type of consideration. No consideration in any manner will be charged from the user. If at any time, the RSRST thinks about charging of any existing service or newly launched service, it will not be charged without the consent of user. In such situation, every user will have right to choose any services either paid or free before availing the same. The services being provided to the user are as: –

a. RSRST provides a platform to its users, through which a user can easily access any Broadcaster of the world, which is in the list of RSRST. However, Broadcaster can stop its working at any time and the user will have no right to challenge it in any manner.

b. The RSRST may provide its users, other knowledge through any process such like advertisements, banners, stickers etc. through more of services to increase the area of knowledge of user.

c. The RSRST also provides the user to choose Broadcaster, favorites, they have listened to or in which he/she has expressed an interest.

d. The RSRST also provides user the service to choose to connect social media account with his/her account profile.

e. The RSRST or its advertising partners use user’s usage habits to improve its service and personalized experience.

The RSRST suggests the user to provide following personal information of its users before installation its application by the user. But, said information will never be disclosed upon anyone except required by the courts of law or by the any concerned investigation agency of the State or required by competent Govt. Authority of the State of user or RSRST or the information has been made for the public by the user. RSRST also suggests the user to provide other non-public information from the social network website and said information can also be shared with anyone without the knowledge of the user, once given to RSRST. The following information is optional, but if the user opts to provide the following information to the RSRST, it is to be given as: –

a. Name, Age, parentage, Residential Addresses (both permanent and temporary, if any) with ZIP or Postal code, Office Addresses, email, website (if any), mobile number, landline number or any other contact number etc., language preference,

b. Any other services of any other application of similar to the RSRST being availed by the user,

c. Personal habits to let the RSRST know about the habits and behavior of its user in different states,

d. Suggestions, if any,

e. Geographical information as required by the RSRST,

f. Information made for public or not.

3 (i) User will inform the RSRST in respect to change of information mentioned at clause 2 (a) with immediate effect.

3 (ii) RSRST can share all the information provided by the user with its other allied offices, which actually works for the betterment and development of RSRST without the knowledge of user and user will have no objection of it.

3 (iii) In case of Merger, Sale or Re-constitution of RSRST, the information provided by the user will be transferred to the subsequent owner/master and it is not necessary for the RSRST to obtain the user’s consent in this regard and the user cannot in any manner challenge/object the same.

3 (iv) In exceptional circumstances like flood, storm, earthquake and any other acts of GOD, wherever the system remains out of control, then the RSRST will not be held responsible in any manner for sharing of any information provided by the user in any manner with anyone in the world.

It is hereby clarified that some features of the application of RSRST will not work without providing the above information.

4.Your Public Information may be seen on the application, software, website, or at any other place of RSRST or internet through any via media of communication, knowledge, visiting and enjoyment as stated above in the ‘mode of services’. For instance, your profile or screen name may be searchable by search engines like many common social media services.

5. The RSRST observes your listening and usage activity. We collect information about stations, favorites, artists, channels, conversations and tracks you have listened to or in which you have expressed an interest.

6. The RSRST has also provided a service to the user to suggest or add any Broadcaster on the list of RSRST, which is not in its list. But, after adding Broadcaster subject to its approval by RSRST and no objection of Broadcaster, the user cannot claim any benefit from the RSRST on the pretext that it was his act to give RSRST a new Broadcaster.

7. RSRST suggests the user having age as approved globally and suggested by the IARC i.e. the age of 12 years or more to use, listen and download its application. If the law of the State restricts and prohibits or disagree with the global age given by the IARC, then the age of user must be as per the law of his/her state at his/her own responsibility. However, in India, the age of maturity is 18 years and the age of user in India must be 18 or above. The RSRST is not responsible and liable to any law, if the user has given wrong information to the RSRST regarding his/her age. The information provided in the required column by the user will be deemed to be the correct information in all aspects. The RSRST also advices parents and legal guardians to monitor their wards/children’s Internet usage and to help them to enforce this policy. The RSRST also provides its user a special right that if any user has reason to believe that some other user has provided wrong information with regard to age or otherwise, hen said informant user can send the RSRST the correct information by any mode and then the RSRST will make endeavor to delete that information from our records.

8. This privacy is subject to the Indian Law.

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