
(Re)Submitted Articles

"The Only Child"

(with Erik Plug, Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen, Julius Ilciukas)

IZA Discussion Paper 16959. Link

"Is There a Child Penalty in the Long Run? Evidence from IVF treatments"

(with Erik Plug, Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen)

IZA Discussion Paper 16959. Link

Featured in: New York Times, The Economist, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Forbes

"Learning-By-Doing and Productivity Growth Among High-Skilled Workers: Evidence from the Treatment of Heart Attacks" 

(with Johan Vikström, Bo Lagerqvist, and Stefan James) 

New version: Link

Featured in: Vox 

"When Death was Postponed: The Effect of HIV Medication on Work and Marriage

(with Mette Ejrnæs, Esteban Garcıa-Miralles, and Mette Gørtz)


Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Labor Economics

Forthcoming and Published Articles

"On the Family Origins of Human Capital Formation: Evidence from Donor Children"

(with Erik Plug and Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen)

Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming

IZA Discussion Paper 14708. Link

"Does Healthcare Consolidation Harm Patients? Evidence from Maternity Ward Closures”

(with Johan Vikström and Daniel Avdic) 

American Economic Journal: Policy, forthcoming


"Long-Term Effects of Childhood Nutrition: Evidence from a School Lunch Reform"

(with Jesper Petersen and Dan-Olof Rooth)

Review of Economic Studies, 2022, 89:876-908. Link (open access)

Online appendix, Link

IZA Discussion Paper 11234. Link

Featured in: Vox and CESifo.

In the news:

"Brothers in Arms: Spillovers from a Draft Lottery" 

(with Paul Bingley and Stephanie Lyk-Jensen)

Journal of Human Resources, 2021, 56:225-268. Link.

IZA Discussion Paper 10483. Link.

"Poor Little Rich Kids? The Determinants of the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth"

(with Sandra Black, Paul Devereux, and Kaveh Majlesi)

Review of Economic Studies, 2020, 87-1683-1725. Link

NBER Working Paper #21409. Link.

Featured in: Vox

In the news: Dagens Industri, Dagens Nyheter, Veckans Affärer, The Atlantic, Daily Mail

"The Opportunity Costs of Mandatory Military Service: Evidence from a Draft Lottery" 

(with Paul Bingley and Stephanie Vincent Lyk-Jensen).

Journal of Labor Economics, 2020, 38:39-66. Link.

IZA Discussion Paper 8057. Link.

"Birth Weight and Vulnerability to a Macroeconomic Crisis"

(formerly circulated as "Health Endowments and Unemployment During Macroeconomic Crises")

(with Prashant Bharadwaj, Jan Bietenbeck, and Dan-Olof Rooth)

Journal of Health Economics, 2019, 66:136-144.  Link

NBER Working Paper #21353. Link. 

"Estimating Returns to Hospital Volume: Evidence from Advanced Cancer Surgery"

(with Johan Vikström and Daniel Avdic)

Journal of Health Economics, 2019, 63:81-99. Link

IZA Discussion Paper 8099 (older version). Link.

"Learning to Take Risks? The Effect of Education Risk-Taking in Financial Markets" 

(with Sandra Black, Paul Devereux, and Kaveh Majlesi)

Review of Finance, 2018, 22:951-975. Link.

NBER Working Paper #21043. Link.

"Birth Weight in the Long Run"

(with Prashant Bharadwaj and Dan-Olof Rooth)

Journal of Human Resources, 2018, 53(1). p.189-231, Link

"The Effect of a Sibling's Gender on Earnings and Family Formation"

(with Noemi Peter, Sara Mikkelsen, and Dinand Webbink)

Labor Economics, 2018, 54:61-78. Link

"Can Women Have Children and a Career? IV Evidence from IVF Treatments" 

(with Erik Plug and Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen).

American Economic Review, 2017, 107:1611-37. Link

AEA interview on the paper and blog post at Ekonomistas

"On the Origins of Risk Taking in Financial Markets"

(with Sandra Black, Paul Devereux, and Kaveh Majlesi)

Journal of Finance, 2017, 72:2229-2278. Link [online appendix]

Covered in The Wall Street Journal and QUARTZ (blog)

"The Economics of Grief" 

(with Gerard van den Berg and Johan Vikström)

 Economic Journal, 2017,  127:1794-1832. Link.

Featured in Newsweek and

"Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Is it a One-Way Street?"

(with Kaveh Majlesi)

Journal of Health Economics, 2017,  57:206-220. Link [online appendix]

"The Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: The Role of Skills and Health" 

(with Martin Nordin and Dan Olof Rooth)

Journal of Population Economics, 2017, 3:1035-1065.

IZA Discussion Paper 6099. Link.

"The Effect of Schooling on Mortality: New Evidence from 50,000 Twins."

(with Carl Hampus Lyttkens and Paul Nystedt), 

Demography, 2016, 53:1135-1168. Link

Featured at

"Do Education and Income Really Explain Inequalities in Health? Applying a Twin Design" 

(with Ulf Gerdtham, Carl Hampus Lyttkens, and Paul Nystedt)

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2016, 118:25-48.

"Income Receipt and Mortality: Evidence from the Public Sector"

(with Elvira Andersson and Johan Vikström)

Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 131:21-32. Link.

Featured in The Economist and Svenska Dagbladet

"Critical Periods during Childhood and Adolescence" 

(with Gerard van den Berg, Paul Nystedt, and Dan-Olof Rooth), 

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2015, 12:1521-1557. Link.

"“The health-schooling relationship: Evidence from Swedish twins.” 

(with Anton Nilsson and Dan-Olof Rooth)

Journal of Population Economics, 2015, 29(4): 1191-1215. Link

"Parental Education and Offspring Outcomes: Evidence from the Swedish Compulsory Schooling Reform" 

(with Anton Nilsson and Dan-Olof Rooth),  

American Economic Journal: Applied, 2014,vol 6(1), pp 253-278. Link.

"Height  and Earnings. The Role of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills" 

(with Paul Nystedt and Dan-Olof Rooth),

 Journal of Human Resources, 2014, vol 49(1), pp 141-166. Link

"Adolescent Health and Adult Labor Market Outcomes" 

(with Anton Nilsson and Dan Olof Rooth)

Journal of Health Economics, 2014, 37:25-40. Link.

"Body Size, Skills, and Income: Evidence from 150,000 Teenage Siblings"

 (with Paul Nystedt and Dan-Olof Rooth), 

Demography, 2014, 51:1573-96. Link

Featured in The Economist and the Daily Mail

"Heterogeneity in the Impact of Health Shocks on Labor Outcomes: Evidence from Swedish Workers"

(with Martin Nilsson and Johan Vikström)

Oxford Economic Papers, 2015, 67:715-739 . Link. 

"The Intergenerational Transmission of Schooling: Are Mothers Really Less Important than Fathers?" 

(with Vikesh Amin and Dan Olof Rooth)

Economics of Education Review, forthcoming. Link.

"The Health Returns to Schooling - What Can We Learn from Twins?"

 Journal of Population Economics, 2013, vol 26, pp 673-701. Link.

"Expected and Actual Replacement Rates in the Pension System of the Netherlands: How and Why do they  Differ?" 

(with Mark van Duijn, Maarten Lindeboom, and Mauro Mastogiacomo), 

Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 2013, vol 10, pp 168-189.

"Asessing the Impact of Obesity on Labor Market Outcomes" 

(with Maarten Lindeboom and Bas van der Klaauw), 

Economics and Human Biology, 2010, pp 309-319. 

"Nature, Nurture and Socioeconomic Policy: What Can We Learn from Molecular Genetics?" 

(with Anders Stenberg), 

Economics and Human Biology, 2010, vol 8(3), pp 320-330.

"Utilisation of Physician Services in 10 European Countries? The Relative Importance of Individual Versus 

Institutional Factors"

(with Kristian Bolin, Anna Lindgren, and Björn Lindgren), 

International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 2009, vol 9, pp 83-112.

"Gender, Risk Perceptions, and Smoking Behaviour" 

(with Henrik Andersson)

Journal of Health Economics, 2008, vol 27,  pp 1299-1311.

"Costs for Formal and Informal Care in People 65+ Two Years Prior to Long-Term Municipal Care." 

(with Inga-lill Rahm-Hallberg and Jimmy Kristensson)

Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, vol 20, pp 547-555.

"Your Next of Kin or Your Own Career? Caring and Working among the 50+ of Europe"

(with Kristian Bolin and Björn Lindgren)

Journal of Health Economics, 2008, vol 27, pp 718-738.

"Informal and Formal Care among the Elderly of Europe."

(with Kristian Bolin and Björn Lindgren)

Health Economics, 2008, vol 17, pp 393-409.

"Smoking, Information Sources, and Risk Perceptions. New Evidence on Swedish Data"

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2007, vol 34, pp 217-240.

"Parents' Provision of Alcohol and Adolescents' Alcohol Use -- Evidence from Swedish Data"

Vulnerable Children and Youth  Studies Journal, 2007, vol 2, pp 60-70.

"Risk of Own Death and the Death of Others: An Analysis of Road-Traffic and Baseline Mortality Risk"

(with Henrik Andersson), 

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2007, vol 34, pp 67-84.

"Does Smoking Increase Sick-Leaves? Evidence Using Register Data on Swedish Workers", 

Tobacco Control, 2007, vol 16, pp 114-118.

"Getting Ready for the Marriage Market? The Association Between Divorce Risks and Investments in Attractive 

Body Mass among Married Europeans" 

(with Björn Lindgren and Paul Nystedt)

Journal of Biosocial Science, 2007, vol 39, pp 531-544.

"Long-term Outcomes of Community Action to Reduce Hazardous Drinking among Adolescents: The Trelleborg 


(with Martin Stafström, Björn Lindgren, Stig Larsson, and PO Östergren)

Addiction, vol 101, pp 813-823.

"Having the Wrong Friends? Peer Effects in Adolescent Substance Use"

Journal of Health Economics, 2006, vol 25, pp 214-233.

"Social Capital and Substance Use among Swedish Adolescents - An Explorative Study." 

Social Science & Medicine, 2005, vol 61, pp 1151-1158.

"Do They Know What They are Doing? Risk Perceptions and Smoking Behaviour among Teenagers" 

(with Björn Lindgren)

Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2004, vol 28, pp 261-286.

"Risk Perceptions and Alcohol Consumption Among Young People"

(with Björn Lindgren)

Journal of Risk and  Uncertainty, 2002, vol 25, pp 165-183.

"Young People and Alcohol - An Econometric Analysis"

Addiction, 2002, vol 12, pp 1573-1582.

Work in progress

"The Only Child"

(with Erik Plug, Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen, and Julius Ilciukas)

"Gender Without Children"

(with Camille Landais, Erik Plug, and Johan Vikström)

"Children and Divorce" 

(with Erik Plug and Astrid Wurtz Rasmussen)

"Intergenerational Wealth Mobility and Fertility"

(with Sara Mikkelsen)

Permanent working papers

"Following in Your Twin Father's Footsteps: The Intergenerational Transmission of Income between Fathers and Sons"

(with Vikesh Amin and Dan Olof Rooth)

IZA Discussion Paper 5990. Link.


Book chapters

"Having the Wrong Friends? Peer Effects in Adolescent Substance Use". In Cawley, J., and Kenkel, D.S. (Eds), 2008, 

The Economics of Health Behaviours, Volumes 1-3. The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series. 

(Edward Elgar: Northampton, MA).

"Obesity and Occupational Attainment among the 50+ of Europe" (with Kristian Bolin, Sören Höjgård, and Björn 

Lindgren). In: K. Bolin, & J. Cawley (Eds), Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research (Vol. 17 pp. 

221--254), The Economics of Obesity. Amsterdam: Elsevier.


American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Economic Journal, Review of Economics & Statistics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Human Resources, American Economic Journal: Applied, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Labour Economics, Health Economics, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Human Capital, Population Studies, Social Science and Medicine, Industrial Relations, European Journal of Health Economics, Demography.